"He looks like Grizzly Adams on crack!"

"What did that t-shirt ever do to deserve that?"

"Ouch, that blows!"

"I'm so not in the mood for the acid-Kool-aid test!"

"Did she hate you?"
-Clinton (on the sweater someone gave the victim)

"Did you break up with her after the sweater?"

"I don't spend a lot of time looking at my own ass."

"I love how he refers to that sweater as an open neck--it's a freakin' v-neck!"

"It's leather! Shut up!"

STACEY: It's a snake!
CLINTON: Uh, no, it's a dragon. Look--legs!

"These are legit, lady!"
-Clinton, on his blue eyes

"Just what we want to instill in our participants--paranoia."