White Collar

Peter: Why didn't you leave?
Neal: You...

Neal: Regardless of what the committee decides. This is my home now.
Mozzie: And I am right beside you.

Neal [to Mozzie]: Isn't there a child's balloon you need to pop somewhere?

Jones[to Diana]: Don't let Caffrey drag on your bling moment.

Mozzie: Careful, this neighborhood is rife with tetanus!

Elizabeth: Spousal immunity?
Neal: You made that up.
Peter: Yes, she has spousal immunity.

Elizabeth: Neal had the treasure and he gave it up for us. I think that says a lot about his character.

Mozzie: Mi casa es suit casa.

Neal: I wish it wasn't so, but people judge.

Mozzie: How did she know someone broke in?
Neal: I don't know - a hundred failed attempts at her key pad?

Peter: That's great - what happens when he realizes he has your phone in his pocket?
Neal: He better keep his hands off my rollover minutes.

Mozzie: How often do you say thank you?
Neal: Sarcastically?

Mozzie: I think you'd make a sublime Danny Zuko.
Neal: Not Kenickie?
Mozzie: Please you're not a follower.

Peter: How's your first day at work?
Neal: I've taken up smoking.
Peter: Politics is already corrupting you.

Peter: You don't get to Shh me.

Mozzie: Neal Caffrey on paper - not so good.

Elizabeth: Do you think he was going to leave Kate?
Peter: I don't know. Doesn't matter.
Elizabeth: I think it matters.
Peter: Why, it's kind of a mute point now.
Elizabeth: It matters to you.

Peter: You said goodbye to everyone but me. Why?
Neal: You know why.
Peter: Tell me.
Neal: Because you are the only one who could change my mind.

Peter: My wife is inviting you to lunch - good thing is - I get to come too.
Peter: (about Daniel's new profile picture) He changed his profile to include the hat - he just keeps getting more adorable.
Daniel: (to Neal) You are the ambassador of awesome. 
Neal: Peter stayed at my place - he couldn't handle the motel. 
Neal: Peter, mi casa es su casa. 
Peter: You have a lot of rules for someone who doesn't play by them.

Neal: You're the only one.
Peter: The only one what?
Neal: The only person in my life that I trust.

Peter: (to Neal) You know you do Peter Pan.
Neal: You really shouldn't drink champagne in paper cups.
Peter: You will drink it and you will like it. 
Neal: Peter, I'm starting to like you again.
Peter: Oh well, then we're hanging out too much.

Neal: I'll admit that I have done alot of things that I am not proud of...wait, that's not true, I am proud of most things I do.

Neal: What's next partner?
Peter: Don't call me that.

Peter: We either take down Lau now, or our partnership is over.
Neal: We're partners?
Peter: You tell me.
Neal: Oh ye of little faith..
Peter: You've been waiting to use that one.
Neal: Oh since lunch. 
Peter: I prefer my miracles with smiting and might.

Caffrey: How upset were the Canadians?
Peter: Oh, very... well, as upset as Canadians can get.
