X-Files Season One Episode One

Welcome! Come on in, the water's slashy...or fine...or something. Christ, where to start. This has been the craziest two mos ever and shows no sign of stopping, although I do hope that I can structure my time a little more effectively. Well, of course, there's the new journal format, and I'm not sure if I'll be quoting the eps, or maybe making pictures, or something, I'm not really sure. I'll have to play it by ear. But I figured since this is the beginning, that I had to start with the beginning of the end, as it were, for me *L* I figure I'll probably alternate between XF and TS, just depending of course, on continuity. For example, if I suddenly go blind in week three, I'd probably use Blind Man's Bluff from TS instead of an XF. Okay, so you get that part...

The massive hive infection thingy is mostly gone, so it must have been a flu virus. I didn't have to go to the doctor. I used lotion with bergamot and vanilla in it and that, along with less stress, seems to have done the trick. I'm glad I don't get stuffy, snotty, coughy colds like everyone else, but still, what a pain in the ass.

I'm a trainer!!! I took the T3 aka Train the Trainer course this week and got certified for CSE Training--look out transition people, now that the republicans who run my company are driving out all the old poor individuals in their mindless greedy pursuit of big business, I'll be teaching you how to use the new systems for those fat cat customers....can you say 'open ended questions'? I knew that you could...

Mom and Dad both had the flu! Hey guys, hope you're feeling better. Also, big prayers and healing thoughts as always to my big bros down there in LA LA land! And congrats on the new job, B'rer Bear! Love you both!!

Neal, are you still coming for Investitures? It's going to be fun, so you better. Brent, don't figure you'll make it here for that, what with being in ANOTHER COUNTRY and all! but I'm thinking of you, and hoping playing round eyed devil for a bit longer brings you closer to your goals here at home.

People's Choice! Mick, Jax, you got an honourable mention (favorite couple)! I hosted my first show! Well, I've talked before, but this was the whole show, except for Mitch introducing me. And Roxy giving me my favorite bartender award. I got an honourable mention for biggest bitch too--yeesh, you mention the jumper cables and a nipple ring just once, and suddenly people are ascared of you! *LOL It was lots of fun, and while we didn't exactly get rich, we still came outta the game about 200 bucks to the good. Plus the court gave us 200 bucks for the Coronation food, so we're okay to be doing phonelines for a few more mos :) Thanks to everyone who helped this old fat woman pull it off. Special snaps to Patrick, cos I'm really enjoying getting to know you, and you were a real support last night for me.

Don't even ask me about yesterday's Sentinel--I'm still all verklempt--it was so not what I was expecting, having seen that scene in vid grabs for mos now. It was so harsh....next Saturday cannot get here soon enough!!!! Oh, but my cable's wonky, so I'm actually going to Shane's to tape it off TIVO today after brunch. Speaking of which, gotta go reserve a table, then hop in the shower and wash away the five oclock shadow *L* I dont know if I'm going to actually perform all year as Mike Hunt, but it's kinda fun to play dress up--best part, I get to go to every court show w/out a bra! Holy comfy, Batman *LOL

That was probably more than you wanted to know....