The Sentinel Season One Episode Five

"You can't be me. Only I think what I think, feel what I feel."

So I finished training, and volunteered to mentor the new redhats for a week, so I still have no life. I got paid and paid off my bills for now. I am aching to read new BoA but have to get my work done first. This is the fourth week in a row that updates will be ontime. It's a new thing *L* Talked to Mick, had coffee with Mitchell, ended Smallville season five. Damn, if Clark and Lex had just fucked five years ago, none of this would have happened!! I loved the invisible guy who so obviously had a jones for Clark. Plus, Owie!Lex and that's never a bad thing! I'm on 11-8 next week, so still not much of a life, but getting better. I have meetings and rehearsals all next week, so it's going to be hectic. Plus, gotta clean my house for company as W'peg may be arriving for Auntie Anne's bday brunch and the Sock Hop. Oi! such goings on. I should call the princess and remind her about posters. I should email a few friends. And I will. But I need to finish updates so that when I get home from the bar, if I'm not tired, all I have to do is upload and then I can read some BoA instead of having to work on these. So, with that, I'm off for another week. Oh, and Neal, if you're reading this, are you and Bernie coming out next weekend? if not, Oscar show, end of Feb! Details to follow, but email me and let me know. Cheers!