The Sentinel Season Four Episode Fifty eight
Sentinel Too, Part 2

That's great, man, that's great. Thank you.

I'm so very grateful for everything in my life. I know, I bitch and moan with the best of 'em, but really, I'm so blessed. Thank God for my amazing friends, who never cease to be just that, freaking amazing I mean! For their kindnesses, and gifts of all kinds, big and small--and you know what I'm talking about!!!!!!! For making me smile and laugh and want to be a better person. For giving me courage when I have none, for giving me virtual hugs when that's all I can handle. For about a zillion things that would take far longer to list than to be thankful for. Needless to say, you all, and you know who you are, on my quotes page, in my LJ, on lists and in meetings and at nightclubs and call centers, upstairs and across the country, in different time zones and next door. Everywhere you are, know a piece of my heart is with you all.
ps Kid's show tomorrow and what the heck am I gonna do for a number?!