The Sentinel Season Two Episode Twenty Three
Hear No Evil

"Sometimes, I got to remind myself to stop studying and go to bed."

Whew, what a week. Not much going on, besides the usual wacky hijinks, but first week back on the Tues to Sat nine to six shift--wierd to be up and out in the morning, and still trying to figure out bedtime and all. I'm whipped. Of course, it's six am and I've been up for 24 hrs so that could be a contributing factor *L* But I swore updates would get done weekly, and I'm going to hang onto that even if other suckiness is prevalent in my life.
I was one day late with the phone bill (already past due) and they cut me off for a day--haven't had that happen since the Sean days. I admit, I had almost forgotten about it, worrying more about cable and power, and then when I got home from work to pay the darned thing, they'd already nailed me. That was a reconnect fee that would have been better spent on oh, I dunno, groceries maybe? ah, such is life. I bartended tonight, so I've a couple bucks to spare.
Cookies are on the agenda today, as well as a PtCS meeting and the Pride AGM. Good times, she says, lying! *L* Ideally, I'd just sit back and write or something. Sadly, those plans keep getting interrupted by naps and shit, usually unintentional ones. I just have to face it--this wood snake is old *L* (Wood Snake--see LJ for details) Hey, Jae, thank you for the cd and autographs! I peed a little, and Jason says the karmic meteor is heading your way *LOL Love you!
Brent! What's up? How are you?
Neal, when you comin' back to visit? I'm there in April!
Happy belated birthday Michael, and happy early birthday Dorian!
Back to work now.
That's me, I'm outta here.