X-Files Season Seven Episode Eighteen
Hollywood A.D.

"That wasn't a movie. That was real life."

I know, I know, late, only two months into my resolution. However, I can blame a stomach bug and the Oscars. So, unless you wanted this done from the loo, suck it up *L* Oscars were okay, nothing special, but then I hadn't seen much of what was nominated, and frankly, wasn't particularly interested. Most of 'em will show up on the movie channel eventually. I really have to have a major wide on for a movie to go to the theater. Cost, time, inconvenience, most of it's not worth it. DVDs are easier, cheaper and far more relaxing. I know so many folks who obviously had way more dates than I did *L* who have the whole movie going experience as a social thing. I don't begrudge them that, but I think movies for me are way more internal, and most of the time I don't actually want to share the experience. Brunch, drag shows, chat, obsessions over tv shows *L* yeah, let's share. If I'm watching a movie in a theater, though, mostly it's just me and what's going on on the screen, or, if it's not a particularly good movie (or a good movie with boring bits) then it's just me and what's going on in my head. So, to sum up...;) Movies, not so much. Award shows about movies? Yeah, bring 'em on :D