X-Files Season Seven Episode Two

Maybe his luck is the X-File.

So I have this theory I was running with this morning--oh, before I get to the theory, hi Brent! Hope you got lucky in Shang-Hai! ;) So, my theory--the more positivity you send out, the more you get back. I swear, life just gets better and better! And even those things that aren't so good--for example, the never ending period, or the pennies til payday--well, hell, even those work out eventually. And when you put them up against the good, well, that's no contest.
The Owl show was way more fun than I could have hoped for--the D&D drama at the end didn't touch me, although I'm sad for them that they have whatever they have that makes them unhappy. But the show rocked and we kicked those str8 people right in the expectations, let me tell ya! Brian was awesome in our #. Princess nearly took out the front row with her beads. Martin and Anne were flawless! The Castle Rock Coop Experience boy band medley was brilliant--heck even the opening number, which felt goofy in rehearsal totally worked. Did I mention the free pizza and beer? Oh, and Trixie!! yay Trixie, for coming back and making Proud Mary brilliant all over again! Blair tried to win Dorian back which was funny. Nada spun, Kricket did Cher--jumping on the chaise lounge without blowing her tuck was amazing.
I'm behind in my fb, but working on it. Yeah, updates are late, but only in hours--let's pretend it's 'cos of DST, kay? *L*
I have lots of pizza here, and things to do--Mitchell's bringing over cinnamon buns and a princess, and if they're early, they are so doing housework *L* Lots of folks showed up for brunch, which was cool.
I'll book my flight to CA this week--maybe I can lunch with Nicole the Great and become an heir apparent--wouldn't that be hysterical?! Okay, if I'm going to do anything else today, I'd best run. But know that love defies math. You can't divide love and make it smaller. Dividing love among many people gives you more love to work with. Honest. I'm living proof.