The Sentinel Season Two Episode Thirty Four
Sleeping Beauty

Ever wish you could just sleep through those bad periods of your life, wake up and it's all over?

I wish I had time to sleep. Or, barring that, I wish I didn't feel so bad when I do sleep, wondering what I could have gotten done if I hadn't been unconscious! Nothing much new, although I did enjoy the show on Friday. Bartending was lame (St Patrick's day is such a het holiday) and it was payday. Hooray! Maybe I'll post to LJ tomorrow with more detail, but I've still a house to clean, and all that jazz (gotta love Sundays) so I'd best book. For anyone not reading Mickfic, get your ass over to the three way stop and read some of the best writing ever. I know, trust me, I know.
And also, zombies....