The Sentinel Season One Episode One
"A Sentinel is chosen because of a genetic advantage. A sensory awareness that can be developed beyond normal humans."

One week til Rocky Horror Picture Show, Halloween at the club and payday--yay on that last one! *L* Sentinel too and Sentinel too Pt 2 blew me away--all that was missing was the boy on boy stuff. oh yeah, and don't even get me started on the GM Over Here conference thingy in the UK where Garett was talking about reading slash and complaining about being the bottom. Puh-leeze, honey, you think we don't write what we see? *L* Okay, so aggressive bottom, but still. Hello!

Whit and I have been having fun while the husband's away, making money. Thanks for supper last night, honey, and for enjoying the Blairy goodness with me....

I suspect Dorian's sitting on a hip, even as we speak. Sounds like Bubbles and Deb are going to do a heck of a grooming job this year. We're on pretty solid ground as P&P go, though, so I don't think that regardless of how it goes, she'll be showing up in a handmedown gown and jewels and telling me I'm an embarrassment, or she doesn't want to do piddly PtCS functions anymore or whatever. I think we're good. Hope S'toon went well for the rest of my house. I will have to try and get up there sometime again before I die *LOL

Work has been very good as of late and I hope it keeps up-plus, ooh, raise coming soon--don't hate that!

Okay, I'm running late and all, so gotta book--brunch is at the seven oaks today, and I've a hankerin' for waffles and chocolate sauce--quit making that face, you!