X-Files Season Five Episode Nineteen
Folie A Deux

Dial and smile, Gary. See, if you’re not smiling, they can hear it.

It's all about being paid time and a half to play with Play Doh and stack blocks!  I love nearly everything about my job except for the customers *L* Things are going very well on that front. On the writing front, I'm stumped, and when I do have  a passing thought, I've no time to deal with it. Mick, meanwhile, is sending out chapter after chapter, which is the best thing to happen to the internet since...well, since ever!  You cannot have too much Mick fic. Shane is moving to PA for internet love--here's hopin'! God knows, it's worked for me. I hear Dorian's moving to Calgary after Coronation. Of course, that could just be a rumour...Winnipeg is going good so far, at least that's what the quotes page tells me. It's nearly three in the morning and I'm tired, so I'm going to bed now.
Did I mention work is terrific? Cheers.