X-Files Season Eight Episode Fifteen
Dead Alive

Anybody miss me?

I know, I know. I missed a week! But I was in Calgary--that's a great excuse to miss everything! And by great excuse I mean Gawd! I love those people but I hate that city! Was great to see family and all although my brother is just bitter as hell about--well, frankly, everything. I know, I know, some things suck and you can't control them, but yikes, lighten up--God will find the way, and help you do the same. Trust me on this one. Speaking of which, massive missives, if you will--all positive thoughts, cajoling, begging, gratitude for what is but requests for what must be--lots of 'em this week for my man in LA there--if you've a spare moment to ask for just one trial to be over and done with for a man who's good and even though there's a plan and all that, just, can we not do this again? Wow, that made no sense at all *LOL Okay, deal's this: Mick's back in hospital and they fear his graft is failing so he might have to go through the whole transplanty badness again. Talk to your People, whomever They might be, and put in a word for the guy, wouldja--let's give him a break.
Okay, rantyness done for a moment.
Calgary. Right. Family's good. Mom and Dad had a terrific time on their cruise and the pics are super! I had a terrific time crashing on their couch and smoking in their backyard *L*
The Ball was fun, so was brunch. We so deserved best Entrance. We had apples, dammit! and Leaf Guy! *L* I gotta say, I think one of the high points for me personally though was just hanging out in protocol with Neal, even though I got a hand cramp from rewriting final walk protocol *L* Neal, hey, if you're in here, sorry we didn't get much time at all, which sucked. If you are doing the Kipling thing before P&P or after, heck, either way, maybe we can have some us time in there that's not about a function. That would be very cool.
Dyna was awesome--the bat wings and fake tits were amazing! I like their Duke--he looks like a cryer.
Jaxon's on LJ! Welcome, Br'er Bear!
The big bosses from Cingular were "hearing good things about me" and "talking about me in meetins" this week. Yay me!
Okay, I still have the Gen Q ad to do , so I'd best go, but hey, it's been a good week, and again, with the prayers and all, cos you know, that's really the only sucky thing going on right now. Thanks!