The Sentinel Season Three Episode Fifty Three

I haven't had any time off. I'm a little burnt. I need time to smell the flowers, the fresh out a little bit.

ICP Weekend 2007
Friday June 8th 2007:
The Ukrainian Ladies Wholesale Price and Knosh Club:
The Regina Chapter Presents:
The White Elephant Sale and Midnight Buffet
Saturday June 9th 2007:
Welcome to the Jungle; A Sensory Overload
Sunday June 10th 2007:
Brunch Club;
The First Rule of Brunch Club is Never Talk About Brunch Club!

Just one week left--can't wait to see everyone! I'm sure it will go well. and then, at long last, a quiet week...maybe...*L* Mick, ami, you're in my prayers. As Jason would say, wish TPTB would cut you some slack. If anyone deserves it, it's you!. Jaxon, thank you for being here; it's been brilliant! Brent, happy belated birthday! Can't wait to see you! Neal, it's going to be great. If you read this and want diet Dr.Pepper or anything special, let me know by Wed. Jae, thanks for the calls. Love you!
Bubbles and Deb aren't coming to the show. I know I should be sad, what with missing that extra ten bucks at the door, but really, nobody likes them and they scare the youth group, so best they just stay home that night. (ooh, so mean. Ah, hell, joke 'em if they can't take a fuck) And man, would I like to spend all my gel money on more plants!
Shane, thanks for coming out and playing on the deck with us--brilliant. Thane, don't be embarrassed--good on ye! Mitchell, play nice til the ninth--then I don't care which side of the bed you push him out of *L*
Ah, Dor, I miss you.
Somebody needs to slap Ezra a little bit for me. Just enough to get those eyes watering *L*
Okay, that's me for the day. Time to post this puppy!