X-Files Season Eight Episode Three
"The passage of time in prisons is not in a cell of brick and mortar but in one of hopes dashed and tragedies unaverted. How precious, then, the chance to go back only to discover that in facing the past you must face up to yourself... that exiting the prison of time doesn't free you from the prison of your own character... one from which there is no escape.

36 hour days, my life for 36 hour days! I need more time. I have a house to clean and a webpage to update and a modem to replace and a computer to replace for that matter and shopping to do and a plane ticket to buy and a suit jacket to find and a song to find and learn and a bed to clean up and a rug to vacuum and an email account to get at work and a few hundred pounds to lose and a sink full of dirty dishes to wash and a novel to finish and a Krycek Christmas story to write and another novel to piece together and a bazillion k of porn to read and another bazillion emails to answer and a brunch to put on (in a week!) and a number to learn for that and albums to burn onto disc and bills to pay and rent to pay and smokes to buy and groceries to buy and garbage to take out and bottles to take back and nails to cut and legs to exercise and skin to moisturize and--ooh, gotta phone Thommy; be right back--and an office to organize and taxes--hey that might be a good idea--and some prayers to say in there somewhere and friends to love and friends to worry about and a friend going to Pet Shop Boys tonight to be really really jealous of, and kids to worry about and a new ep of Sentinel to watch, and maybe an old ep of XF to balance it out and 9 more eps of Action to giggle over--go Cole Riccardi! *L* and believe me I could go on and on and on, but I have to stop now because I also have a shower to take or at least some form of cleaning to do to my body and updates to finish and folks to message and other folks to give wakeup calls to and fish to play with (don't ask) and a bear and bunny to miss and virtual hug!!

Thats me, I'm out.