X-Files Season Five Episode Four

Last year was something of a personal revelation. We were doing an exercise called team builders? Where we were given two minutes to build a tower out of ordinary office furniture.

Oh jeez! I start my new hire class tomorrow and am excited, terrified and everything in between. I can only hope it goes as well in RL as it has so far in my head--looks like Denise U's daughter is in my class, and our recruiter tells me there are some of my tribel in it as well, so it should be okay. I feel confident in most of the course load, although I still haven't figured out how Cust. Rules is going to be six hours. That's insane troll logic. Breck's in town too, so I'm sure he'll be around and that might make me a little mental, but I know I'm good; he should be easy to appease.
I miss everything and everyone I love in California. 'nuff said.
I got my pics back--lots from my show, and also, CA. I got a pic of the house!! STALKERTASTIC, that's me! heh heh.
Mitchell's being weird, and I'm almost not smoking again--who knew?
Tried Fetish Friday, but apparently you have to be there much later to see Ryan in his Jedi costume or get Ezra to cry *LOL
CA had financial repercussions and I'm el broke-o now for two weeks. Gah. But next cheque will just be power and groceries. In the meantime, pop and chips, well, you're on your own. Granted, there hasn't been much call for that here lately.
I'm writing a little, and reading alot--angst archive mostly, cos, you know, that's how I feel better *L* and I hope to do housework this week. I feel the need to rearrange furniture. Wish me luck.