The Sentinel Season Four Episode Fifty Nine
Murder 101

We're not going to have a problem here, are we?

Week one is done! And I still have everyone I started with in class but one person. Now if my training environments are working on Monday, all will be well :) I have clocked 15 hrs of overtime to take in lieue when this is over, so I will have almost a full week off for ball week by the time I'm done and how fabulous is that?

Thomas gave me a plane ticket for Winnipeg so I'm off to the ball next weekend. How cool is that? I mean, I have to pay for it, but still, he was able to book it now and get a super seat sale.  Oh, but don't tell Jiminy, it's a secret *LOL (she says, posting it on the worldwide web)

Disco show last night and I hosted and I think I'm getting pretty good at it. Marlon was there briefly and wants me to host the AIDS benefit. My darling Anastasia was in town and I really really miss having a princess. Of course, technically I still have one, what with there not being a board meeting since Avaughna er uh, I mean, since the College stripped her of her title ;)

The alter ego, Dor, looks great and I miss him too! *L* I gave him his GM pic and enjoyed that bit o bonding, which I don't really have with anyone here in town, although Daniel, former prince and potential Emperor, claims to have seen the show and thought he was cute, so there is that. I always liked that kid and never did figure out what he was doing with Troy. o well. Moving on....

Got a great card from big bro last week and he sounds like he's slowly on the mend, which is really all we hope for.

I have papers to grade tonight *LOL Now I'm going to read to you from this book: Tiny Kingdom.... ;)

I'm broke and smoking a little but still not too much and it can't be payday too soon IMHO!

Brent's in town from Taiwan and we had an excellent time Friday, hanging out and talking. He took me to Viet Thai and that was fantastic! I told the kids we should go there next Friday (payday) after work and order a bunch of stuff to share. Yum yum! He looks terrific, and sounds like he's really carved out a niche over there in terms of friends, job and so on.  It was just neat to connect with someone who knew me when, knows me now, and we have these conversations on different levels--hard to explain, but I like it.

Mitchell's still worrying me.

69 days til Coronation......