X-Files Season Two Episode Nine

Mulder, nothing can live in a volcanic interior, not only because of the intense heat but the gases would be toxic to any organism.

Sounds like my life all right! Hot hot hot. and as Robert Aspirin says, the only thing worse than a fat broad is a sweaty fat broad. Thank God for the AC at work or I think I would have to hang myself *L*
Speaking of which, did you hear the one about the trainer who had three trainees who smoked dope right before the week three assessment? And the punch line is the trainer's ex-supervisor who came back to the place as a rep narced on them....yeesh...fuck 'em. I wish the two girls would just quit anyway.
Okay, yeah, that's mean, and I'm as supportive as I can be at work, but still...God help me they have to swipe their passes in the timeclock on Monday and find a new room. It's going to be a helluva day.
But I have 25 hours of lieue time now to take off in September :D Yay week off for the ball!!!
I have to get my last walk shit in order fairly soon. I'm doing songs for Mick, TV themes for me, and sound effects for Mitchell. Should be fun. I just watched Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, and Brian should totally do Afromen for his last walk *LOL Oh, and Kim tells me the hot bar gossip is that Mitchell's stealing again and from his friends this time...oi, when's Coronation again?
Winnipeg's ball was awesome. Godiva and Str8 guy took amazing care of me! Josh, you're still a cutie--but next time I'll do the counting, and you be nicer to the guy at the door. And welcome to the newest member of the ULWP&NC! Big Black Ukranian Tranny on the Bus!! *L* Raymond, I love you and I hope you had a good time. I was just there for you, you know! and kudos to Anne and Mike Ferry, who made my name a household word that night. Yes, Mike Hunt is in the room! So fun!!
Been over a month since a yahoo box opened with big bro's name in it, and despite all the positive things I can think and say, it's slowly killing me.
Laundry's still free, payday's just six days away, exhibition next weekend--I'm so going to eat my way thru the midway on Saturday! And a long weekend too.
Tomorrow's busy as shit, so I should go clean a little before bed.

Love you all! xo