The Sentinel Season Three Episode Fifty Two
Love Kills

"Your partner puts the 'dim' in dim sum."

Random thoughts: Last week of classroom before my team hits the phones. Whew! Gonna be a fight over my time off I can tell already! Talked to Mick this week Hooray. He's writing a Dr. Who crossover. I can't keep up. I fired two more people this week. My payday was a little lame. I went to the exhibition and threw darts to win a black panther. I bought fudge. I had chocolate covered licorice. mmmm...I am tired and my eyes are bad today. Mom and Dad are here. My uncle had triple bypass surgery. Mom and Dad are pricing out condos here. Robert wants to move here. It is finally raining. I have today off as it is a stat holiday. I owe Thomas for my flight to Winnipeg. I need to pick up my comics. I bartended for the first time this summer on Saturday. It was fun. Thane makes good chili. I went grocery shopping on Friday. Nothing much else is new right now, and I need to have a shower, so I'll talk to all y'all soon.