The Sentinel Season Four Episode 65
The Sentinel by Blair Sandburg

I'm taking a last look around.

I'm so weary. Not tired--jeez no, I slept near about all day yesterday. Just feeling it all, you know. The years and the mileage *L* The good news is after five weeks I'm not bleeding anymore, so there's a bonus. Granted, not much exciting about that except I can masturbate again *L* I have no money, no smokes, no coffee and no life. Everything makes me weepy--hallmark cards, burned out lightbulbs, every movie I seem to turn on. (I think I have to watch Dawn of the Dead or something happy like that). Bone weary. Can't catch up weary. Feeling left out, lost and sad weary.
Okay, that's the whiny part, and it's just, I dunno, whatever it is in me that makes me whine. The whine-anator, or whatever. Work is really good. I don't like the idea that I'm no longer flying under the radar, but it's going well just the same. My new class is terrific. Couple little girls, but they'll either quit or get over themselves, just like the last batch. Some rehires who think they know it all and a bunch of bright boys, which is a bonus. I'm behind in almost everything in my life but work, and work is going terrific. I guess I just have to keep my priorities str8 and go from there. It's not a bad thing, and God willing, the other shoe won't drop.
I saw a movie that said nothing is impossible with God. I've been telling myself that alot last few days. Helps.
I hope to get some letter writing done as well as housework, and then there are tests to grade tonight, as we have to review them Monday morning. Long weekend next week. Yay.
I didn't mention that I got a new computer (hence the brokeness) and found an FTP program to get my webpage back. I lost alot of stuff, bookmarks, pics and so on, but I've got quite a bit of it still, and I will just have to work hard to get this machine up to what the old one was. But this guy is fast and shiny and I have a new black monitor to match my keyboard. (It's the little things)
Take care, I'm back to work :)