The Sentinel Season One Episode One
Pilot (Switchman)

These men and I have held the Chopec Pass for 18 months. And quite frankly, Captain, I'm kind of tired.

Okay, so my tired has a name. After seven weeks less three days of bleeding, I fainted. Too much blood loss and now I'm anemic. Who knew? Did you know if you rub 24k gold on an anemic, it makes black lines like a sharpee marker? Yay science. At any rate, I am on an iron supplement and a hormone (which has not stopped the bleeding, just slowed it a little, which, frankly, anything is an improvement) and I had two days off work, and I feel a bit better. I see the doctor at 4 tomorrow and we'll see if we can find out why I am bleeding all the time. Worst case scenario, hysterectomy. Best case--we figure out that it's caused by stress, relieve the stress and it all goes away. In the meantime, I've still a class to teach and a coronation in 2 weeks, so I'd best get all the rest I can. Hey, I noticed the date on here--just three more entries and it will be a new year--the eighth one of this website--again, who knew?

ps Hi Trixie, good to hear from you! You've a seat and a cocktail reserved for you in the Wolf and Panther Palace at coronation! See you there--you bring the pizza and I'll get the offsale...