The Sentinel Season Two Episode Twenty-five
"Just remember, 3:00 a.m., you and I, we're on the road, man."

Eleven years since I'd been to Winnipeg. Funny, last time was for a function too *L* I used to want to live there, didja know? Cos I had cousins who lived there and it was too far to visit as often as I would have liked. I saw the Police in concert there many years ago. Anyway, I digress. We headed out early Friday morning, Thomas, Martin, Dorian and I, after I stuffed a suitcase and my brain full of porn all night, so most of the trip was done unconscious. Luckily Thomas was driving *L* We listened to music and had some bad road food and got there round fourish. Sherry (Godiva) came to get Dor and I from where Thom and Martin were staying, and she took us home, introduced us to the dogs and cats, then introduced me to choc. rasp. liquer in my coffee, and introduced Dor to lime cordial in his G&T. mmmmm....Love the house, love the puppies, even love the wolves and Harleys *L* We sat and chatted and listened to my number so that i might know at least 1/2 the words, then got ready. Apparently having my Princess be ready ON TIME was a wierdness in Winnipeg, but I'm so not complaining.
Club 200 reminds me of the Midnight Cafe a little, and our club a little, but definitely has its own ambience. Almost all good, but lots of creepy drunks wanted to touch me by the end of the night, and I was so not down with that.
Blah blah show. I won't bore you with the details (I'll send out pics, but there's also a website--Godiva should be posting a link soon) where these guys do nothing but take pics at shows and post 'em. Very cool guys! :)
Anne managed to find Urethra's final walk and do it as her command--she's got a knack for that. Only those two geeks would decide Nichelle Nichols version of the Star Trek theme was a good idea *L* My Princess was flawless. We had coupons, so didn't pay for drinks all night. Then home and bed.
Saturday, up early--well, it felt early! For brekkie and shopping to induct the Princess into the Ukranian Ladies Wholesale Price and Nosh Club, which she almost didn't get, what with the not wanting to eat all her red velvet cake! (I couldn't eat all mine, but I'm already a member) Went to some cool stores, but didn't find a black jaguar pin. I'm sure it's out there, sometime soon. Went to the Greenhouse where Godiva and Jiminy work, and got a candle, plus found some advent gifts, and Raymond did very cool things with green ornaments and a black tree. Found a card or two as well.
Supper was goofy. Went to "Longhorns" which used to be Branigans, and they just reopened. Took NINETY minutes for our food, and 1/2 of it was awful!!! On the lighter side, I enjoyed just hanging out, even if we couldn't smoke, and my food was terrific! But really, it was bad service--mostly the kitchen's fault, though. Our waiter was suitably contrite--is that the word I want? And so we got free salads, free drinks and if we hadn't been so full, I think Godiva would have held out for free dessert!
Back to chez Flame Dame *L* for cocktails and a visit with Raymond, who had been working late. Then Thom and Martin went back to their place and Sherry took Joe home and we all crashed again. Up early next day for brekkie at Smitty's, which was awesome as we beat the Grey cup crowd. Good chat, and got to meet Martin's ex. Then we were on the road again.
Got home just in time to wash and dress for Boot Camp, the Gen Q Investitures. Thom and Martin came down, but since they didn't need Thomas to host, they didn't stay. Too tired. The show was good, and again, my Princess was fantastic. Sold some 50/50 tickets and had some waters and enjoyed the Bubbles and Deb Fashion Show. Good times all round.
Got to have brekkie with Thom as I took yesterday off.
And now, back to your regularly scheduled soon.....