The Sentinel Season Two Episode Fifty Six
Night Shift

Simon: So, Johnny Macado was saved by a dead man. That's good.
Jim: You know, it's like the, uh...the Jimmy Stewart movie...It's a Wonderful Life.
Blair: Ah, whenever a bell rings, an angel gets his wings.

The most important thing today is, if I could have one wish to wish this holiday season, it would be for all the children of the world to join hands and sing in the spirit of peace and harmony...okay kidding (See SNL for details) What's important this week? Well, the muse is back, more or less, and even though I took a page from one story to make the other one work, entailing more work on the first story, the M/K bit is in Ursula's hands in time for the 'zine. Yay and double yay, as that was really bugging me.
Laurie!!! Panther slippers are so totally cool there are no words! Yja--the ties are gorgeous and my Emperor is totally jealous! *L*
We had a Christmas party at my house yesterday. We had more food than you can possibly imagine and extra kudos and snaps to Jeremy for the home baking! Also all the cookies (the Goodie rings did not survive the night) We ordered Chinese, but there was cheese and sausage and goldfish before that. Ang brought me a poinsetta! Wow, it's such a mom thing--but not in a creepy way--in a very cool way. I've never actually had a poinsetta before. Wine and coffee flowed, and I got gifts of incence and dvd (Quads! yay!!) Mitchell was a machine, helping me clean and organizing the whole thing. Was way fun. He went to see Aragon last night--I'll have to see what he thought of it.
Well, I know Mick's waiting on these, and I have to get in the shower, so will talk to you later--and I'm in Calgary next week, so I better say Merry Christmas now! Cheers!