The Sentinel Season Four Episode Fifty Eight
Sentinel Too Part Two

Einstein said the greatest experiences we can have are the ones with the mysterious. We are definitely there, my brother. Come on in, man. The water's nice.

ooh, updates on time two weeks in a row--look at me go! So, good news is I'm training, and training well. Bad news is my shift is nights next week, noon to nine the week after and then semi permanent 11-8 unless I can get someone else to quit. Darned rez seniority!
so if things go as well as they have so far, there's a chance I'll be actually posting stories this year *LOL
It's official--the Prince and Princess Show, June 9, 2007: Welcome To The Jungle; A Sensory Overload! :)
It's been ten years since Richard died, and I still miss him--it sneaks up and smacks me over the head like a dead fish once in a while. Coincidentally, it's also been ten years since I had sex. With someone else in the room *LOL Yeesh, I'm surprised my cunt hasn't just dried up and fallen off! Instead, I have sketchy come and go periods, possibly more polyps and who knows, even some other worse shit. Keep your fingers crossed that it's just early menopause!
Will went back to Philly and intends to shanghai Shane there. I hope that whatever happens, works out for the both of them. He's a sweetie. Derrick on the other hand, will have to go thru me to get Dorian to Calgary for more than visits. He--DJ heh heh should just get over it and move here already!
Second investitures this weekend, hope some o/t folks make it!
It's five in the morning, so that's all for now, but last thought:
Happy Anniversary to me--five years since the start of the best friendship I could ever ask for. Luv ya, silly rabbit!