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Sown in Truth

Last Call Ministries

Luke: 8:11-15 Now the parable is this: The seed is the word of God. Those by the wayside are they that hear; then comes the devil, and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved. They on the rock are they, which, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no root, which for a while believe, and in the time of temptation fall away. And that which fell among thorns are they, when they have heard, go forth, and are choked with the cares and riches and pleasures of this life, and bring no fruit to perfection. But that on good ground are they, which in an honest and good heart, having heard the word, keep it, and bring forth fruit, with patience.

Jesus describes the experience people have when the "Kingdom of God" is preached. To some it’s not understood and is disregarded. Others, like what they hear however, when they are belittled or avoided for their faith, tend to not hold on to their faith. Some trust in what they possess. Some let their position in society or friendships matter more.

All of us as believers have experienced each and every one of these descriptions in our own lives. The apostle Peter experienced these things but the Lord told him, Peter when your converted, strengthen your brethren. You’re not defeated! Get up, God has a plan for your life! Stand up on your feet. You may have been knocked down but your not knocked out. Start saying , "Bless God! I’m going on!" People on "good ground" endure the bumps and bruises of life and go forth, they won’t cast it away. Troubles may put your spirit in heaviness for a time, but Jesus is not going to let go of you. Remember, "weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning." (Psalms 30:5) When Jesus asked his disciples in John 6:67 "Will you also go away?" Peter answers , "To whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life and we are sure that you are the Christ."

Matthew 13:23 Jesus said, "But he that received seed in good ground is he that hears the word and understands it; which also bears fruit and brings forth, some a hundred fold, some sixty fold, some thirty." You were meant and will bring forth fruit in the kingdom of God. We as children of God do not all bring forth the same amount of fruit, but we all do bear fruit. Don’t worry, he who has begun the good work in you, will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, "I am the vine and ye are the branches." You as a branch yield the life and fruit that comes forth from the vine. Rest child rest, know that God is pruning you and nurturing you, so you can yield more fruit and that you can be the best blessing to others that God intended. Let me say this, "It is a process." In Mark 4:28 Jesus says, "The earth brings forth of herself; first the blade (The newly sprouting plant) then the ear (the flower where the fruit forms), after that the full corn (fruit) in the ear." As you grow in the Lord Jesus Christ, fruit will develop and ripen and then God picks that fruit and uses it to feed a need for someone. Mark 4:29 "But when the fruit is brought forth, immediately he puts forth the sickle, because the harvest is come."

The fruit of the Spirit is " Love ,Joy, Peace, longsuffering (endurance), gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance." (Galatians 5:22-23) Love that is merciful, love that doesn’t look at a persons faults to condemnation, but rather looks past them. It is a forgiving, and enduring love, that sees the person and not the persons social standing or the color of their skin.

Man is born with the knowledge of "Good and evil" It’s inherent with man. He lacks the wisdom and mercy that only comes from God through Jesus Christ. Even as Christians, we battle this from time to time, leaning in our own understanding. Jesus told the Pharisees in John 7:24 "Judge not according to appearance, but judge righteous judgment." The Pharisees wanted to kill him because he healed a man on the Sabbath Day.

God’s mercy supercedes the judgment of right and wrong . In Matthew 9:13 Jesus says, "I will have mercy and not sacrifice" . Too many Christians are quick to judge peoples lives, the decisions people make, looking only at the outward appearance of a particular situation. Never do they consider for a moment "walking in that persons shoes" They do much harm in casting their judgments and accusations, never looking at the motivations of the heart, the very place Jesus sees. Jesus wants you to climb up a little higher and learn. For example: In Luke 5:18-19 "And behold men brought in a bed, a man which was taken with a palsy (paralyzed) and when they could not find by what way they might bring him in because of the multitude, they went upon the housetop, and let him down through the tiling with his couch into the midst before Jesus" These people took this crippled man and opened the roof to somebody’s house to get him in to see Doctor Jesus. Most Christians today would say, "Hey! What’s wrong with you? Don’t you know God doesn’t want you to brake open that roof? Your destroying someone’s property! But in Luke 5:20 it says, "And when he saw their faith." Jesus didn’t condemn or fault them, rather he saw the motivation of their hearts and was moved with compassion and healed the man and forgave his sins.

In Mark 2:23 we read how on the Sabbath Day the disciples went through a corn field and plucked the ears of corn. (It was really wheat kernels and they were rubbing the husk of the wheat off in their hands, so they could eat.) Of course the religious Pharisees were there to point their bony fault finding finger at the disciples saying, "Why do they on the Sabbath Day, that which is unlawful." Jesus replied, "Have you never read what David did when he had need and was hungry, and they that were with him. How they went into the house of God in the days of Abiathar the high priest, and did eat the shew bread (Sacred Bread), which is not lawful to eat but for the priests and gave it also to them that were with him. In Matthew 12:57 Jesus says, "Or have you not read in the law, how that on the Sabbath Day the priests of the temple profane the Sabbath, and are blameless. But I say unto you, that in this place is one greater than the temple. But if you has known what this means, I will have mercy and not sacrifice, you would not have condemned the guiltless." the Pharisee religion had become so displaced from God that all they had were "lifeless dead works" No mercy, no love.

In Joshua 2:1 We read how Rahab the harlot hid the spies of Israel. The King of Jericho got word of the spies being at Rahab’s house and sent soldiers to take them. Rahab hid the spies and lied to the kings men and said, "They left the city" She lied but she was merciful. There are many times that God can have better dealings with people in the world than he can with many so called Christians. This woman was a prostitute. But she heard of the God of Israel. The blessing Rahab received was that all her household and all her possessions and family were the only ones left when the walls of Jericho came down. Not only that, but Rahab is also the great-great Grandmother of King David. Now how’s that for a blessing? In Isaiah 44:3 God says, "I will pour my Spirit upon thy seed, and my blessing upon thy offspring" This is exactly the blessing Rahab received for telling a lie. Yet some so called "Christians" would have said to the king of Jericho’s men , "I can’t tell a lie,.... that’s wrong. The spies are hiding right here, Get them! Boy isn’t God pleased with me for being so honest." And some people wonder why they don’t have any blessings. Now you understand I’m not saying that we should run around lying to people but rather I’m speaking of being merciful and looking at things the way Jesus looks at them.

In Matthew 18:23 It says, "And it came, as Jesus sat to eat in the house, behold many publicans (tax collectors) and sinners came and sat down with him and his disciples. And when the Pharisees saw it, they said to his disciples, "Why does your master eat with publicans and sinners?" But when Jesus heard that, he said, "They that are whole need not a physician, but they that are sick. But go you and learn what this means, I will have mercy and not sacrifice. For I am come not to call the righteous but the sinner to repentance." What the Pharisees didn’t understand was that they were just as much sinners as the people they were finding fault with.

In Matthew 18:23 Jesus teaches us a parable, "The Kingdom of Heaven is compared to a certain king, which would take account of his servants (To see who owed him a debt) and when he had begun to reckon, one was brought to him, which owed him 10,000 talents ($52,800,000.00) the servant did not have the resources to pay the debt, his lord commanded that he be sold, and his wife, children and all that he had so payment could be made. The servant therefore fell down, and worshiped him, saying, Lord, have patience with me, and I will repay thee all. Then the lord of that servant was moved with compassion, and loosed him, and forgave him the debt. But the same servant went out and found one of his fellow servants, which owed him a hundred pence ($44.00) and he laid his hands on him and took him by the throat, saying, Pay me what you owe me. His fellow servant fell down at his feet, and pleaded with him saying, Have patience with me, and I will repay thee all. But he would not: but he went and cast him into prison, till he should have paid the debt. So his fellow servants saw what was done, they were very sorry, and came and told unto their lord all that was done. Then his lord after he had called him, said unto him, O you wicked servant, I forgave you all that debt, because you did ask me. Shouldn’t you also have had compassion on thy fellow servant, even as I had pity (Mercy) on thee? And his lord was angry, and delivered him to the tormentors, till he should pay all that was due unto him. "So likewise shall my heavenly Father do also unto you, if you from the hearts forgive not everyone his brother their trespasses."

You need the eye’s of Jesus to see clearly in this life. Many times we lean in our own understanding and try to justify our position. Let the Holy Spirit be your guide. Put away the critical spirit and put on Christ. You will learn that mercy many times exceeds our personal perception of "Right and Wrong" The Holy Spirit give you understanding.

Truly, these are the seeds sown by Jesus and by his Holy Spirit, he shall cause the willing heart to be cleansed and to blossom in his ways. In the name of Jesus I ask Amen.

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