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Jessica's Photo Album



Jessica Marie Jensen was born on June 3, 1988 in Tucson, AZ.
She was 6 lbs 7oz and 19inches long.
Jessica was 2 weeks old when she was diagnosed with multiple heart problems.

Jessica was born with polydactaly (2 extra fingers and 1 extra toe).
Jessica was about 8 months old in this photo.
You can see the extra fingers here.

Jessica had surgery to remove her extra fingers and toes.

Jessica and her brother, Justen...1991
Jessica used mostly sign language at this age due to a stroke she suffered during heart surgery.
The sign language facilitated the speech and language skills. She did learn how to talk.

Jessica at Project ABLE, a special ed. preschool program through the public schools.

I made Easter dresses that match!

Jessica on her way to Dietz Elementry school. Her last year in grade school!

Jessica swinging 1999

Jessica 2000

Jessica gets to sit in the search and rescue helicopter at a local fair and demonstration.

Jessica and Dad

A profesional photographer from LA came to take pictures of Jessica
and other children involved at the "Tu Nidito" support group.

Jessica and Mom ~ July 2001

Sergio Lopez took this picture and many others of Jessica and our family on Aug 19, 2005