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The deadline for sending in captions was Friday, September 26! No more entries will be accepted! The winner will be announced soon!

This photo mysteriously appeared with my RU4 pictures when I got them back from the developers.
There is no possible way this picture could have been taken by me; I have no clue who this person is.
Finding the picture itself highly amusing, I decided to scan it and post it with the rest so that you
could all share in my mirth. Then I got an idea!

I brought with me to the RU the original winning artwork that I drew for the Darien Drawing
Contest a couple years ago. I had the intention of giving it away as a prize, but I never could think
of a good way to go about giving it away. Sam already had prizes for all his games, so that was out.
I ended up taking it home with me again.

So here's the deal: I'm holding a photo caption contest, and the winner gets the original Darien
Drawing Contest art, in a fancy silver frame! Send your captions to
by September 26, 2003. I'll judge them, and the winner will also get a featured page in my on-line
photo album! I'll probably do something for the runners up as well.

There's only one rule: This is a family photo album, so keep your entries clean. I reserve the right to
disqualilfy any entries that I consider inappropriate. Other than that, it's all good!