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STEPHEN: "Aaah. It is good to be here among my loyal subjects. But wait. Are they truly
loyal to me? Issachar looks like he's thinking un-loyalish thoughts. And I'm
positive that
Darien is mocking me back there. Why is Mina laughing? Does Mina find me amusing? I'll
show her. I'll show them all. Just wait till we get to those caves. HA! Well, at least I have my
Supreme Dictatoress here by my side. Ah, Mia. Wait...what's that she's writing? "I love Wes???"
Nah. Can't be. "I loathe Wes," that's more like it. Too bad he isn't here so I can have him
eliminated. I'll just have to settle for Darien, I suppose. And there's always next year..."

ISSACHAR: "Have I got something on my back?"