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Clearing the Cobwebs

Written 2-9-01 by
Dan Schwab

Links to other poems can be found at

His hands were callused
His arms were strong
His heart was shattered
Something went wrong

Two hearts made one
Thats what they say
She gave him a son
Then she walked away

Time stood still
But moved too fast
His heart took ill
Now how can he last

His life was broken
His family was gone
From words not spoken
She had waited too long

The fight took years
It wore at his soul
He fought back the tears
Set sight on his goal

A life long friend
To stay by his side
Not one who pretends
Then runs off and hides

He goes through life
Alone and afraid
Taking on strife
New friendships being made

They are there for a season
Some not for that long
He doesnt know the reason
These friends are all wrong

Confusion and fear
Are the things he knows best
The friends he keeps near
Give his soul a rest

They let him see
With their eyes as well
Their light shining through
The darkness of his hell

He thanks them all
For the good times and bad
When the final curtain falls
Just let me hear ....

I Love You Dad.