
I put all but the two most recent updates in here, so check the homepage for those two!





Hey y'all! I've been working on this quotes page for some time now. It's pretty sweet, so check it out!


Been a while, sorry. I added another poem- "Lost". Check it out.


I re-did, added to, and vamped (haha) the Doll Page! funfunfun.


Added another poem ("This Gift").


Added another link. "Weeeeeeee!"


I added some stuff about Elfwood and an interesting website Kellie showed me in Links and put up a new poem ("The Ice Queen"). :)


Well, I added a new section!!! Doll mania is my craze right now. That and Hoobastank, actually... Oh, well- s'all good! Check out Ulimatedolls.com (Fun).Oh, check out Writings for "Nightmares" (it's new, really good, and i've heard it's scary)!!! I added a few new pics, added to some shout outz, updated the info on me, and meddled with the homepage, too. such fun. :)


Hey y'all... it's 12:55, so it's technically the 19th. I added a pic and changed Dan's Addy to the new site! check it out. Prolly some new poetry coming up soon. Sign the guestbook y'all!
(Later today) I added two more poems ("Pain" and "Feel As I Do") and had great fun changing all of the Writings backgrounds! funfun


New poem called "Forever In Memory". Have fun.


Two new ones (poetry) in "Untitled Pieces." check it out. :)


Hey, more poetry (new ones i actually wrote today- "Sometimes You Confuse Me" and "I Wish"), updated shout outz, more pictures, etc. Have fun and make sure you sign the guestbook!


First update in 2003! And on the first day, too, how about that. Well, today I updated (freaking had to completely re-do) the writing page. It's got several new pieces in it. I also added a page with pictures! Trips down memory lane. Kandel's site is in "Links", too, now. More fun to be had soon, I'm sure. :)


Hey! I finally updated after over a year of silence. The front page, shout outz, and stuff is all updated! it's almost like a brand new site. :D


'Sup Y'all! Well, i finally got my lazy rear in gear and did something... mostly deleting irrelevant jabber, but hey, whatever. ;) Check out the gift thingie, since everyone is asking what i want. :) The 15th Birthday is on October 10th!!!


heya! I added more drawings and a games page! too cool. hope ya like 'em!


Thank you evan for helping me out, here!!! I finally got some pics up on my website!!! these are all free-hand-drawn by me, too, if you were wondering.


i would, again, like to thank Kolbe for reminding me that i still have a website, lol. the above hasn't changed drastically, and i'm sure you really don't care about that anymore anyway. ;) i added music, too! this one's from Friends


the above hasn't changed much... just a little! :) Shout Outz have changed! i added s'more writings and stuff, too. I'm tryin' to see if i can get so of my drawings up... should be interesting!


heya! updated my profile a little bit. added s'more poems... changed some links... it's all good. :)


Wow, I'm on an updating streak! :) lol Well, I put up a new page, Random Wanderings, and it should be interesting. :)


I hope this makes you happy Danny boy!

Amazing, isn't it? I actually updated this thing! i changed a few things "about me", updated my Shout Outz page, and finished putting the first part of my story Pern/E:FC X-over "Wait Till Morning Comes" up! hm... i'll prolly be putting "Elements up soon, too... maybe... hm... :)