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September Eleventh Two Thousand One

A Day of Chaos
All that I could do is sit and watch in awe and terror as we watched the report of the two planes that crashed into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center in New York City. I watched as the second plane crashed into the wall of one tower and exploded into a fireball. We had finished our test in Social Studies when we heard the news. The television was immediately tuned to CNN's coverage of the terrorist attacks. As we watched with open mouths, it did not occur to us that we were seeing a major part of the history of our nation.

Later, we learned that the National Mall was on fire. The Pentagon was hit by another plane at about the same time as the fire in the mall. Later in the day another plane hit the ground somewhere near it. Then the first tower collapsed, followed by the second one. Another building in the WTC collapsed later in the day. Chaos is an understatement.