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She Wasn't Good Enough For Him
Reba McEntire

She was good at late night listening
When he'd call her on the phone

She was good to come and get him
When he couldn't make it home

She was good to make love to
And they did now and then

She was good to never ask
When he'd be back again

Cause she wasn't good enough for him
For his family or his friends
He kept her out there on a limb
Wouldn't let her go, wouldn't let her in
She wasn't good enough for him

She was there on his bad days
And for years he led her on

We all knew she had a bad case
He was doing her all wrong

She couldn't bring herself to do the right thing
Break it off and say goodbye

'Til she overheard him one night tellin
' Somebody on the side

That she wasn't good enough for him
For his family or his friends
He kept her out there on a limb
Wouldn't let her go, wouldn't let her in
She wasn't good enough for him

He keep her out there on a limb
Wouldn't let her go, wouldn't let her in
she wasn't good enough for him

She was good at late night listening
Wen he'd call her on the phone

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