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I decided, since some one is stealing Id's to
make a page of messesages that is being sent to me
in order for them to take them. Maybe this way it will help people who has rares
I MEAN TRUE RARES keep them.

My ID was stolen, thanks to yahoo and their help I did get it back,
Someone is trying to steal my ID once again..
they are using another way of doing it.
I am going to post what was sent to me so others will know what is going on.
It seems to be only rares they want.
I really think people, who want rares,
are just as much a blame as this jerk that is stealing ID's .
If you all didn't want rares there would be no one to steal them.
Here is the messages.
Once again I will take out the active link so no one can click on it.
This message will be sent in your yahoo messenger not in E-mail and it is as follows: (6/12/2005 )
It's been a week since we've recieved complaints concerning your Yahoo! account.
Your account will be terminated if you do not respond to this.
To respond, copy & paste this link into your browser ( took out the link )

For one thing, Yahoo E-mails you they do not send it thru your messenger.

Another one is:
Your Yahoo! account will be terminated for multiple
abuse reports we have received. Details at :

Your Yahoo! account will be terminated for multiple
abuse reports we have received. Details at :

I got this one today 6/20/05 We've recieved complaints concerning your Yahoo! account. If you do not respond to this message, you name will be terminated. To respond, copy & paste this link into your browser

6/24/05 I guess they will never stop tying >We've recieved complaints concerning your Yahoo! account. If you don't respond to this message, your account will be terminated. To respond, copy & paste this link into your browser

If you get these message thru your Yahoo Messenger
Please send them to Yahoo.


This one I got on 6/30/05
ychat_admn_5jo: >We've recieved complaints concerning your Yahoo! account. If you don't respond to this message, your account will be terminated. To respond, copy & paste this link into your browser

Doves (7/4/2005 PM): We've
recieved complaints concerning your
Yahoo! account. If you don't respond to this message,
your account will be terminated. To respond, copy & paste this link
into your browser

Doves (7/9/2005): We've received complaints concerning your Yahoo! account. If you don't respond to this message, your account will be terminated. To respond, copy & paste this link into your browser


I wish you all wouldn't think that rares are so important.
I have also know that some, not all, rares with caps are not rares
they are made with a program.
So if you think you have a rare just because it has caps in it..
you are dead wrong.
And to the others who has rares or want one..
remember it was stolen so you can have it.

Another thing. I do know the person who is stealing
the ID's is from the UK.

I hope no one has to go thru what I went thru
just because you jerks want rares.


Your Yahoo! ID and password are your own confidential information.
No Yahoo! employee will ever ask you for your password or personal
information in an unsolicited phone call or email message. If you are
ever asked for your password in an unsolicited manner,
or by someone you do not believe to be a representative of Yahoo!,
*do not* share your password with them.

If you replied to an email asking for your password or entered your
Yahoo! ID and password on a phishing site and found that you could not
log into your Yahoo! account, please contact the Account Security help
pages by clicking the link below:

To report spam or unsolicited email from a Yahoo! account, please send to:

If you are reporting a non-yahoo website or email address yahoo will be
unable to take action as Yahoo! has no control over activities outside
its service. You will want to send the report of abuse to the company
targeted in the email (Citibank, US Bank, etc). They will be in a
better position to take appropriate action.
You can send such reports to:

Replace "" with the domain of the company that is being

For more helpful information on password scams as well as information
on how to protect your password, visit:
For additional information on ways to protect your information
online, visit the Yahoo! Security Center at:

I also have phone numbers from yahoo you can call, but only for the
ones that have truely rares that has been stolen. You can E-mail
for the numbers.


There is a boosting program you all use. I was
accused of getting yahoo to put a stop to it.
For one I have or never would bother to put a stop to anything like that.
I don't believe in boosting.
I, for one, played around with it just to see how it works,
but would never use it to boost myself.
I am very against people from a league boosting their ID's.
How can one be true to a league when you not true to yourself.
Being a high rating doesn't make you a good player.
As I can see it people who boost should be shot. That is it in the nutshell.

I have been accused of using an aimer
by someone I respect very much.
I don't use an aimer nor will I ever use one.
I can't prove that I don't. You just have to take my word.
All I know is that if I did use an aimer I am sure messing that up
because I can't seem to win my games.

It is a shame what is going on in pool,
but you not going to change people so might as well shut up and deal with it.

I have rub a few people the wrong way
I am sorry for that, I should have kept things to myself,
but I seem to have this mouth on me where I never know when to shut up.
I just hope you don't make it hard on me in pool.
If so I guess I will have to deal with it.
I know how to use the iggy button.

I will post each message as it is sent to me
I really don't want the true ID's stolen.
To the preson who is sending me those messages I send every one to Yahoo.
So in time you will get caught.

Doves (7/27/2005 11:28:34
PM): We've received complaints concerning your
Yahoo! account. If you don't respond to this
message, your account will be terminated.
To respond, goto this link in Internet Explorer


Another thing I found out is..
when you obtain a rare or someone gives it to you..
they aren't giving you all the info that comes with it.
Right there is a red flag telling you that you won't be having your rare for long.
They will take back in due time to give to someone else
or trade or lose it in a game of pool.
They have all the right info to give yahoo in order to get it back.

I also found out a lot of you don't know how to change password
when you get this so call rare you all just have to have.
I see so many giving out their password in order for someone to boost them.
You may think you can trust everyone with your password.
This person may trust someone else with your password.So on and So on.
I lost mine because I was just plain stupid. I was taught a long time ago what to do to protect me, but I click on something that I knew better to do.
Dev, I know you wouldn't be very proud of me and I know you taught me better than that.

Everyone wants everything for free..Free rares, Free aimer, Free stars.
If you want an for it.. if you want a star.. pay for it.

As for rares, no matter what you think they aren't really rares. ( some are )
Back in 98 early 99 no one use their real name in any form.
For example.. someone had a Linda rare.
No one would ever use their name in an ID like that back then.
Like I said they are made with a program.
I know that myself because a friend of mine made one for himself.
I took him into pool with it after he made it.
The things people promise him in order to get his so call rare.
Wanting things for free leaves yourself wide open.


I was told not to use Amish Donkey back door
to yahoo pool because of keylogger spyware in it.
I am not the type of person to spread rumors about
things until I at least check them out
so I wrote to Amish Donkey and ask them about it.
This is their reply to me.

"This is untrue.

Now... one of the advertising networks didn't do a very
good job of screening their ads & some did actually contain various adware programs.
Not only have the questionable ads been removed,
but that entire ad network (even the ones w/o adware)
will no longer be allowed to advertise on AmishDonkey
to avoid any further foul ups.

I assure you, &
are 100% free of any keyloggers, spyware, adware, etc."

So there you go. Lesson here ok, if you are going to
spread things around at least check them out first.


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