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My Poems

All You Need

All you need is Love?
Yeah right
My parents love me
My dog loves me
God loves me
But I have nothing
All you need is Love?
I don't think so
All you really need is true happiness

Battle at the Edge

Remember me
I'm the girl around the corner
The one you used to play with
Life's been hard since we last spoke
I've been to the edge of sanity and back
It's not pretty at the edge.
Chaos and Order are in a consitant battle
The soldiers in the battle are never loyal
They fall over the line and never return
Others fall over then come back
I fought on the side of Order
I almost fell
But I held my ground and came back
I know I will fight is in the Battle at the Edge again
Maybe you can help me fight
The battle isn't going good for me
But with your help I can win


I loved you once
but You shot me without me knowing
When were you going to tell me I was bleeding
When were you going to tell me I was dying
You lied to me
I still love you but
Why do I torture myself over you
You tried to kill me
You let me bleed
Where you really going to just let me die?
I didn't know I had been shot
I didn't know that you had done this
Yoiu told everyoine else that you shot me
Why not me
Why wouldn't you tell me
I was in so much pain when I found out I was shot
I was in so much more when I found out it was you
I thought we were friends but you left me Bleeding
My heat bled
My eyes bled
My soul bled
I was left in the darkest cold bleeding
Just Bleeding
I'm still bleeding, I still need help
Why woun't you help stop The bleeding
Only you can close this hole
Pleasedon't let me die
I'm Bleeding

Don't You Feel Bad

Don't you feel bad now that I'm gone
I bet you thought you had more time
I bet you thought I'd never do it
Well I did
Now I'm gone
You never even apologized
You had every opprotunity to do it
Why did you wait
It's too late now
I'm gone for good now
The last thing I remember is your betrayal
Don't you feel bad
I loved you
I left thinking you hate me
You lied
Now I'm gone and you never apologized
Don't you feel bad
You should


I'm Free
I'm finally Free
It's peaceful
It's quiet
Tree covered mountains surround me
The clouds in the sky are full
The crickets chirp and the birds sing
Watter running all around
The stars will be out tonight with their never ending glow
Light reflections shimmer on the water
I love it here
I want to stay
Here I'm Free
I'm finally Free


Where can I find happiness?
I don't find it where others do
I'm miserable when all around me rejoice.
I find comfort in other's pain
I find pain in other's comfort
But mo true happiness
Will I ever be happy
Am I destine for a life of pain and misery
Maybe on day I'll find out
I'll come ou of this downward spiral
I'll reach the light at the end of the tunnel
Or maybe the hole that is my life will get even deeper

I Don't Know

I don't know why I care
I don't know how I can
I don't know if it's meant to be
Or if eternity has spoken
I want to love you
But I'm not sure
I told myself I'd never love again
Suddenly I find myself caring
What next?
Will I love agian
Will I break that promise
The promise I promised to keep
I just don't know

I Need

I need someone who cares
I need my friends
I need my family
I need happiness
I need fun
I need all the things that make life life
Big or small
Touchable or Not
I need it all

I Want to Love You

I don't know if I love you
I want to
But I don't know if I can
You seem to love me so much
But I'm still not sure
I know I care about you
But do I love you
It's not fair to you if I don't
It's not fair to me if I can't
I so want to love again
You've brought me so close
Will you take me the rest of the way
Can you?
Can anyone do it?
I want to love you
I need to love you
But I don't know

I'm Sorry

I'm Sorry for everything I've done.
I don't know why I did it
I know know how I did it
But I know I did it.
That's the only explaination for why I'm being punished
My life is soi miserable
I don't know why I didn't just kill myself years ago.
Maybe I have a purpose for being here
Maybe I don't
God just doesn't want me to go yet.
So I suffer through another painful day of living
Every night my prayer is to not wake up
Every moring I wake up
I'll probably never know
Maybe if I apologize enough God will forgive me for whatever it is I've done
I'm Sorry
I am truly and honestly Sorry for what I've done

Life's Not Fair

Children die of starvation while we throw away the leftovers
Some people sleep in leaky cardboard boxes while others surround themselves with luxury
Life's not fair to many
Some parent's children go to expensive schools
Some children's parent's can't read.
A single perso has billions of dollars
Billions of people don't have a single cent
In some countries the nearest hospital is miles away
In other's there's one in every city
Those of us who are born "normal" what ever that is
Shun those who aren't
People who are different are considered inferior
But who here can truly say they aren't different
Life's not fair
But hope is still there
There are people trying to make a difference
Trying to make things right
But there are not enough
Life's just not fair

Lost Friendship

Years spent
Years wasted
Best Friends Forever
Now hated enemies
What happend?
I will never understand
How this happened?
I will never know
I Loved you once
I still love you
Why did this have to happen?
How could you do this?
I defended you for so long
And you cut me down with one blow
You lost a great friend
I lost a lasting Friendship
Lost Friendships hurt
But You hurt me like no other
I almost cried
But I stayed strong
I almost lost control
But I stayed calm
I lost a friendship
But I survived
I'm still here
I lost a friendship But I moved on

Never More

He was my friend but never more
He was my heart but never more
He kept me alive but never more
I am her but never more
I took my life for him and no other
He lives on today
I lived for him, never more
I cried for him, never more
Yet I loved him and died for him


Everyday is torment
Every hour is torture
Without him I’m nothing
I love him endlessly
If I can’t have him no one can
But he hurt me
He hates me
I stay away


All I want is for you to remember.
Remember when we first met
Remember how much fun we had talking
Remember the hours we spent with each other
Remember the laughs

All I ask is for you to remember
Remember my kind words
Remember how much I cared
Remember how I loved you
Remember that I never lied

All I need is for you to remember
Remember my pian
Remember my sorrow
Remember how you helped me
Remember how you picked me up when I was down
Remember all the things you did for me

Just remember
Remember the first time you lied to me
Remember I forgave you
Remember the fights
Remember the anger
Remember the silence
The dead, cold silence that seemed to last forever.

Please remember
Remember everything
Remember the good and the bad

I can't speak for you because I don't know who you are anymore, but I will remember
I will remember everything
I will remember the good and the bad
I will remember the betrail
I will always remember you
I will remember the permenent scares you left on me

Because of you there will be coutless people who, if I had never met you, would have been able to get close to me.
But, because of the scares you left, they won't even have a chance
I can no longer trust anyone
I can't even trust myself
Remember these words
Remember me
Please remember
All I want is for you to remember


Some say it's a selfish act
What do they know?
Some say it's pointless
Some say it's senseless
What do they know?
For those who do it no one cares
So who are they hurting?
For those who do it what's the point in living
So Why is it pointless?
They do it to stop the pain
So why is it senseless?
Why is it anything but what it is?
A poor soul who's only way out is death
A soul that finds pain in living
A soul that finds peace in death
Everyone tries to relieve their pain in their own way
It may be medication
It may be drugs
It may be alcohol
It may be therapy
But for some . . .

The Letter

I remember all too well
That letter, That horrible Letter
It was addressed to her
But she handed it to me
It was from you
My best friend
I had no idea what I was about to read
I wish I hadn’t read it
I wish I didn’t know
That Letter
I hate that Letter
Who would have thought you would write it
How could you write it about me
So wrong
So cold
The Letter ruined my life
It ruined my view of you
That Letter, That horrible Letter

They Don’t Understand

Why do they judge me
Why should they care
Who do they think they are?
They don’t know what I’ve been through
They don’t even know Who I am
So how could they ever understand
You never see me crying in the dark
You never hear the voices in my head
You never feel the pain I have bottled up inside
Yet you look at me with that criticizing eye
They don’t understand me
You don’t understand me
I don’t understand me
Don’t be my judge and jury
Just be my friend

Who Are You

Who are you
Who am I
You know me
But I don't know you
I thought I knew but I was wrong
There were to many lies
I didn't lie to you
You lied to me
Now I'm afraid
I'm afriad because you know me
Yet I don't know you
You know my name
Where I live
I don't know anything
There were so many lies
that I can't beleive anything you've told me.
I don't know what was true and what was not
Please tell me who you are so that I can live in peace and not in fear
Who are you?


January 2002

Life can be so cruel sometimes
There are mothers cryin’.
Babies dyin’.
And people just don’t care.
What’s going on in the world today?
Love and respect must be a thing of the past
Kids have guns
And children have bombs
Everything’s going crazy
But who’s going to stop it
Is it you
Is it me
Is it the man in charge of it all
None of the above
We’re to busy thinking of ourselves
As if you’re that important
What about the people dying
What about the people crying
There’s a child skipping a meal right now
By choice you ask
The reply is No
They haven’t eaten for days
The baby’s already gone
The boy is getting close
The girl is sleeping but nobody knows
She won’t get up in the morning
Do you care about them
I bet you don’t
Don’t tell me you do
You passed them on the street today
You struck your nose in the air and said ‘Not my problem’