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WOW! I finally graduated in May 2001 with a degree in Nursing and took the "dreaded state boards" in July and passed! Now it is on to the ever changing field of Nursing. I tried Oncology, but it wasn't the time for me even though my dream was to always work for Hospice! Instead,I worked in Labor and Delivery for a few months to find out what I really wanted to do in Nursing. As of June 2002 I am working for Hospice of Dayton as an Assessment Nurse and I think it is the most rewarding job I have ever had...check out the web site and tell me what you think!

Thanks to all of you for your words of kindness and support.


Home / Grief and Loss / Depression / Schizophrenia/ Spirituality / Poetry /
How Children Grieve / Suicide / Hospice / Looking Beyond The Label /
Nursing Resources / About Me / AIDS / Free Software / Angels / Bipolar /