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National Student Nurse's Association

National Council of State Boards of Nursing

About Nursing
Considering nursing? Find out about the nursing profession: Nature of the work, education required, wages, demographics, places of employment, various career paths open to nurses, nursing's future, and more.

RX List.Com
The internet drug index

Merck Manual Online

Dr. Koop.Com

Medical Encyclopedia

Synapse Publishing Inc. has provided these sounds solely to educate those who wish to know more about heart beats.

Mini Mental Status Exam
The "Mini" Mental Status Exam is a quick way to evaluate cognitive function. It is often used to screen for dementia or monitor its progression.

Vital Signs
Learn all about them!

Auscultation Assistant!Different audio characteristics of heart murmurs and breath sounds

Eye Exam
Learn what is involved in an eye exam.

Cardiovascular Exam
From auscultation to pulses.

Ann's Nursing Links
Comprehensive resource offers an A-to-Z list of nursing pages. Access newsletters, conference information, associations, and educational links.

Bo Graham's Nursing Page
Browse the table of contents to find nursing, medical, public health, and home health care links and resources. Includes a list of cancer sites.

Brownson's Nursing Forum
Forum for nurses, health care providers and those interested in health topics. Discusses employment, legal, clinical, and legislative issues.

Nurse Kathy's Site
Offers links to such nursing and nursing-related web rings as A Little Something for Everyone, the Nursing Station, and Random Acts of Kindness.

Nurses Notes by Ruthie
Resource for professional nurses. Find journals, medical reference materials, nursing organizations, personal pages, and pharmacology links.

Pam's Place On The Web
Find a variety of nursing and related links, including journals, poems, web rings, hospice pages, nutrition sites, and cancer information.

Sandy's Niche On The Net
Devoted to nurses and the nursing profession. Read the bio of the site author, then access such links as Nurses on the Web and Nurses Notes.

Silver Rainbow's Nursing Links
Directs visitors to such sites as the Internet Drug Index, Med Connect, Virtual Nurse, Whole Nurse, Visable Human, and Jane' Brain Page.

TJN's House
Homepage and resource designed by this institutional nurse who works at the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department in California. With links.

Valerie's Virtual Nursing Resource
Summary of sites related to nursing and the health profession in general. Find pages on careers, ethics, women's issues, and psychiatric nursing.

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How Children Grieve / Suicide / Hospice / Looking Beyond The Label /
Nursing Resources / About Me / AIDS / Free Software / Angels / Bipolar /