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Pastor Alton Louis Merrell Sr.



From The Pastor's Desk

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You Are What You Eat!

1. One out of two Americans are either overweight or obese. Obesity is a risk factor for heart disease, hypertension, diabetes, arthritis, some forms of cancer and other degenerative diseases. Nearly one in four of our children are overweight. Dietarychoices are directly related to type II diabetes. It can take up to 20 years off your life.

2. We eat out of habit and mostly bad habits.

3. Brisk walking is one of the best aids to weight loss. It cam help a person reach and maintain the ideal body weight in two ways. By increasing muscle mass and based metabolic rate, and by decreasing appetite.

4. The Mediterranean Diet, the way Jesus ate, is more than an eating plan. It deals with the expenditure of calories and the social aspects of dining. The average American eats in no more than ten minutes. We overeat because it takes the brain about 20-30 minutesto register the full signal, and most Americans have already over-eaten. Optimum digestion occurs when each bite of food is chewed approximately 30 times.

5. Never skip breakfast, as it's the most important meal of the day. Whole grain bread is a good choice as are whole-grain cereal, plain unsweetened yogurt, and a piece of fruit.

6. Lunch should be made your main meal of the day and eat an early light dinner.

7. Limit your intake of fish or poultry to 3-4 ounces per serving. Rarely eat red meat. Fish consumption has many beneficial properties. It can thin the blood, protect arteries from damage, inhibit formation of blood clots, lower bad cholesterol, lower blood pressure, reduce triglycerides, reduce the risk of strokes and hear attacks, reduce the risk of lupul, help regulate the immune system, combat early kidney disease and inhibit growth of cancerous tumors in animals.

8. Drink plenty of water, at least 2 quars of filtered or purified water a day. You should drink a glass of water one half hour before meals and a couple glasses after eating. Drinking during the meal slows down digestion.

9. Split an entree with another person as serving sizes are generally too large.

10. The most commonly consumed foods in America are white bread, hot dogs and coffee.

11. Sugars and other sweeteners are added to improve taste and, in some cases, to create an addiction to the food. Flavors are added to improve taste or even in some cases to create taste.

12. God's initial plan was for man and animals to be herbivores or vegetarians, although man was an omnivore or capable of living on both planet and animal foods

13. Eating an ancient diet, like Jesus ate, would undoubtedly cause us to live healthier and longer lives. He ate plenty of fish, then poultry and then beef, lamb, and goat meat, which were least plentiful.

14. The two most foremost grains used in the Old Testament were barley and wheat. Wheat was considered the staff of life and the king of grains.


Alton L. Merrell, Sr.


Information taken from: What Would Jesus Eat? By Don Colbert, MD

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Personal Information

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Pastor Merrell

  • Rev. Merrell is Pastor/Founder of New Jerusalem Fellowship Church, which was built principally "mortgage free" in 1989-1990
  • He has a son, Alton Louis Merrell Jr., and a daughter, Ashley Nicole Merrell

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Educational Background

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  • Pastor Merrell attended Mt. Union College and Kent State University
  • In 1971 he graduated from Youngstown State University
  • He received a Bachelor of Science Degree in Elementary Education
  • In 1976 he received a Masters Degree in Administration and Supervision
  • He completed additional studies at the following institutions:
  • Youngstown State University
  • Ashland University
  • Berean University School of the Bible
  • The Interdenominational Bible Institute and Seminary
  • He was an Elementary teacher for 12 years, and an administrator for 16 years
  • He was an instructor at Youngstown State University in the School of Education for 4 years

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Affiliated Organizations

The Pastor's Desk
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Awards & Achievement

Rev. Merrell is a member of the following organizations:

  • The NAACP
  • The Trumbull County Interdenominational Ministerial Alliance and Chairman of the Education Committee
  • The Children's Services Board

He has served the following organizations:

  • President, Trumbull County Interdominational Ministerial Alliance
  • The Warren Urban League Board
  • The St. Joseph Riverside Hospital Board of Trustees
  • The Community Volunteer Council
  • The Community Outreach Initiative
  • The Minority Health Board
  • The Leadership Warren Board of Directors (graduating from Leadership Warren in 1990)
  • The President of BEMA (Black Educators Minority Association)
  • Warren City Schools
  • The YPWW (Young People Willing Workers)
  • President of the Churches of God in Christ in Ohio for 6 years
  • The Martin Luther King Dream Team
  • The Warren YMCA Board of Directors
  • The Warren Crusade for Christ Board

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Awards & Achievements

The Pastor's Desk
Personal Information
Educational Background
Affiliated Organizations

  • He is the author of a pamphlet, "In The Know"and "Pastoral Insights" where current and relative Christian issues are addressed
  • He is a gifted Bible teacher/preacher, leader, motivator, and administrator
  • He organized the New Jerusalem Bible College / Institute, currently in its third year offering a two year Associate Degree in Biblical Studies

Rev. Merrell has also received numerous citations and awards for dedicated faithful Christian and community service. Among them are:

  • Education Award from the Warren Urban League
  • Service Award from We Care Ministries of Youngstown, Ohio
  • Achievement Award from the Office of Congress by Louis Stokes
  • Special Recognition Certificate from Cleveland Mayor Perk in 1997
  • The Pastor of the Year Award by the Afro-American Achievers Association in 1991
  • Induction into the Afro-American Educators Hall of Fame
  • He is listed in the Guilford's Directory of Who's Who Among American Professionals

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