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Magic In The Air

Sweetheart from this moment
to the last beat of my heart
I'll cherish the everlasting thought
that carries us aloft in magical streams

Forever embracing to the dreams of bliss
lighter than air, the romance carries us
while the music fills the soft deepening dusk
just you and I in a magical dream

Our spirits soaring, floating on air,
enchanting feelings of happiness
we glide...
like ribbons in a breeze

Holding each other, our melody ringing
softly through our souls, each note a new hope
giving us a wonderful new meaning to this serenade
for you my dear are so wonderfully made

Cascading down like water, each new chord
reaches ever deepening currents in your eyes
elevating the spirit to magical heights
no longer a fantasy to dream, but reality to feel

Come now, lets continue, loves romance
discovered by two, a destined chance seldom found,
to sail away embracing the moments of life
having you here, now, and for the rest of my life
(Words by Vince)

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