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Artist - Karen M Haughey ~ De Las Floresjt


Give Me Wings....

a simple Mother's prayer


Give me wings to fly to Heaven

Give me words to speak out my Prayers to you

Give me sight to behold your Beauty

And a simple heart to Love you through.. (2251 bytes)

Embrace me with your Love

Touch me with your Kindness

Teach me with your Wisdom

Give the gift of entrance into your Kingdom

So I can rest my soul with you there... (2251 bytes)

Show your path so I may Follow

Send your Angel's to gently Guide me through

Play sweet music so I may Hear the sounds of Heaven

Allow me to sing my Praises out

So others may learn of the Beauty I have found in you... (2251 bytes)

Lift me in spirit among the Angel's

Hold me in your Continuous grasp

Raise me up to your Wondrous home

Enfold me within your Loving care

So I may spend an Eternity with you there..... (2251 bytes)

Touch my Children with your Wonder

Teach them with your Wisdom

Guide them with your Love

Protect them with your Guidence

For I pray someday they put all their trust

Into your protective Care..... (10459 bytes)

Written bydiana[c]2001 *my prayer for Jeremiah and Stacy......and yes, Myself.

All background Graphics and Sets on Combined Works Site made [c]bydiana.

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