Halloween in SmallTown, Ohio

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Imagine walking along a road leading past the cemetery in virtual darkness...

Several years past Carl and Linda left a Halloween party given by a friend. Unknown to them the gasoline in their car had been siphoned out as part of a party prank. Leaving Carl just enough gasoline to get Linda half the way to her home by way of long country roads.

https://www.angelfire.com/oh4/poets/pumpkin.jpg (2483 bytes)


Several miles from Linda's home just in front of the Town's Cemetery Carl's car began to sputter and stall. Carl in his Bunny suit and Linda dressed as Little Bo Peep began to shake as they realized the car was out of gas.

https://www.angelfire.com/oh4/poets/pumpkinglow.gif (11790 bytes)

Carl who was also SmallTown's fearless number one football jock decided he would have to take the situation in hand... "Linda honey we're going to have to walk. You know there is nothing to fear in the Cemetery and if there was I promise I would protect you", Carl's states with more confidence than a sane man would gather. Linda deciding she had no choice but to trust this big floppy eared bunny grabbed onto his fur covered arm and said, "come on big guy lets get going". As their uneventful steps passed by graves and gates both Carl and Linda began to relax and the fear began to loosen it's hold. Step by step...inch by inch they walked. Before long Carl noticed something in the woods behind them. "No it can't be, it looks like a green skull with flashing red eyes floating in air", Carl thinks to himself. Hoping Linda didn't notice Carl walks her across the road away from the menacing sight. After a few more steps and a few more inches Carl noticed the skull also moved to the trees on the same side of the road as they had just entered.

https://www.angelfire.com/oh4/poets/carlandlinda.gif (217809 bytes)

"Oh God", Carl thinks to himself. "This thing is not real but it's there just the same".

"Carllllll", Linda stammers "do you see what I see?"

"Yes Linda I do", whispers Carl "no matter what we do it keeps following us".

Now Carl is feeling guilty for telling Linda he would protect her. Not knowing what or who his adversary was he had no way to know if he could keep her safe.  "Linda I better get out of this bunny costume. I really doubt a monster would find me fearful looking like a BIG fluffy Bunny", Carl stated with a slightly nervous giggle.

https://www.angelfire.com/oh4/poets/abunny.gif (35604 bytes)


At that exact moment from the trees behind them they heard a murmur and a rustle of the bushes. "On NO not another one", screams Carl in fear. Both Carl the Bunny and Linda our sweet Little Bo Peep turn in fear only to see one of the most beautiful sites either have ever laid eyes on......

https://www.angelfire.com/oh4/poets/bunnyspiritgod.gif (243442 bytes)

The site was so beautiful they were mesmerized even though they were in extreme danger. Soon through the fog they were now encased in they heard a wonderful and protective voice murmur....

https://www.angelfire.com/oh4/poets/Iambunnyspirit.gif (559903 bytes)


Both Carl and Linda looked at each other in question,"the Bunny Spirit??"

"Yes", says the beautiful ghost "I am the protector of all the forests sweet bunnies big or small. You may pass by the skull with no fear as I will guard over you."

Neither of them being stupid people held back the information that Carl was in a bunny suit and not a real bunny. They started to run as fast as they could for the last remaining miles to Linda's home. Neither had any idea how far the Bunny Spirit's protection went and didn't want to take a chance of it wearing off before they reached safety.

Moral of the Story.....

No matter how fearless or how bad you think you are...

it pays to be somebody's sweet Bunny sometimes.

https://www.angelfire.com/oh4/poets/bunnylovesyou.gif (39617 bytes)

Graphics and Midi done by others....all Animation's and Story done by Me..




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