Artist Unknown..if you know
the Artist please email me..
He Walks in Shadows
He walks in a shadow of his
A gentle mind consumed by
Reliving all his yesterdays,
Building walls to shut off
his tomorrow's,
A man asleep through his
conscious life.
Flowers bloom,
Snow flies,
A Child's birth,
Tears of a Friend,
So buried in his thoughts he
has become,
He thinks he saw them all,
So consumed in private
He has yet to truly see
Look upon the World in awe of
it's Beauty,
Take it into your heart as if
this day is your only one.
Close your eyes and smell the
Listen to the music of the
Wake from your empty
Join the souls intent on
living ...
When looking at my child,
I look for their Beauty...
As if this is the last of
their essence I will ever see.
The same should be held for
all of life's treasures.
Why wait until the moment
before death,
To totally behold life's
Realize now your mind you can
Nothing I acquire will I take
to Heaven,
nothing I lose will I find...
My spirit,
My Memories,
My loves,
Will be my only possession to
Dedicated to those who are
too busy with Business and worry to see life as it is.... Remember when leaving this life
the only thing you take is your soul...everything else material is not as important...
Work on making your soul the purest you can, instead of your accumulation of possession as
big as you can.. If you have to make your life happy by giving happy illusions then you
are wasting your life.. If you are giving up life to buy the best the stores have to
sell..then you are giving up cherished time. Smell the flower truly...touch the tear on a
Friends face...hear the music completely...Love your Family with a passion...for the
memory will follow you an eternity... Diana
©bydiana..must have written
permission to use Poem and Background..
*Don't do unto others as you
would have them do unto you.. Your expectations of how you allow yourself to be treated
may be way below theirs... The Morals and Standards you allow to thrive in your life
may be offensive to others....Their ideas of disrespect and consciousness may be more
advanced.... So, "Do unto others as you would do unto an Angel" .... Diana
The song is from Brave Heart
the Movie.. I found it in Temp files on my drive..Sorce or Author unknown
