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I wear a mask of many faces,

day or night,

see the glint of my many changing phases.

I can be sad,

shed tears in a moment,

if that's what you'll expect I shall do.


God talks to me,

with him in peace I'd rather be.

He explains the gold life will hold for me,

if I follow his rule,

live my life the way it ought to be.


By his suggestion,

an eternity has opened up just for me.

By his thrown I place my soul,

at his knee I will learn to grow.

Let me slumber forever in Heaven's bed,

with God standing firmly at it's head.


I will hold his world in my heart,

clasp his teachings,

pluck the knowledge out.

Carry his wisdom with me,

once I begin my brand new start.

Where would I rather He be,

if not at lifes side with me,

gently guiding me through?


Bring him your mask too,

let him fill your life,

the way you know you ought to do.

Feed on the beauty,


serenity that he freely offers you.


Words written from an open heart,

sent to you,

well planned to touch your soul,

is this artists only goal.

Reach to the Heaven's,

accept what your spirit needs.

Drink from the river of hope and awe,

bask in eternal peace,

discard actions not born in beauty and love.


Come follow me,

to his mountain,

just past the dying sea of souls is he.

No need to preach his word,

by your actions alone,

his voice will be most heard.


Dedicated to all who know it is not how much you memorize..or how loud you shout what you have memorized from the Bible that will make a difference in the world..but how honestly you live your life from what you have learned. Sometimes we have to make a decision, do we act in kindness to others who have no clue what kindness is? Or do we act in kindness to ourselves by omitting those souls from our active lives...sometimes kindness and serenity can only begin to bloom at home. We each have a lesson to learn on Earth and some lessons are not kind to all but that is how they are learned. If you are in an UN-kind friendship group that constantly offends you or in a relationship that does not allow you to grow it is not UN-loving to leave either. Your insistence on keeping your boundaries intact may be a part of their lesson plan. Remember you must first feel love, respect and serenity inside yourself as a constant background sensation to be able to truly love or respect others.

Dear God please protect the Woman and Children where the Mothers made a choice in good faith who are now forced to live with abuse and/or control.. Amen. (29026 bytes) (62816 bytes)</a></p>
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