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The Angel Wish


My little Angel

her heart is broke in two

what was once heaven

has now turned blue.


Can an Angle's eyes be opened

Can she learn to dance

can she see in the world

love still has a chance?


Can she hear the whispers

our hope filled prayer

wishes for serenity in the coming year?


Peace, Hope and Love

seem so far away

lost in the void of only yesterday.


Take my hand sweet angelic guest

let me lead you to the fountain

let me soothe your soul and give it rest.


Drink the waters

inhale the peace

clasp the wonder

appease your appetite to be free.


The world is not kind

the lessons we learn are hard won.

Each step we take

is one step closer to our chosen fate.


Each prayer we speak

is a declaration

our wishes for all that's love and truth.


Come little Angel

dry your tears

have trust in those that honor you.


More wish for Peace

than those for War.

Come into my heart

let me hold and warm you there.


Hear our stories

touch upon the essence

of hope and not despair.

Allow us tiny angel

to heal God's chosen one.

From our open hearts

we send innocence back to you.

bydiana2002 (21719 bytes)


Merry Christmas to all my old friends and new.

Help heal my little Angel by keeping your heart filled with only love this Holiday. You never know which one of our hearts she will choose to replenish her soul in.

Love Diana

The midi in named "healing" the author is unknown.