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Previous Polls
Sax's Revolution
What's your favorite music genre? (33)
Country 3
Dance 0
Pop 0
R&B 0
Rap 9
Rock 21
Other 0

What's your favorite thing to do in the summer? (19)
Blow Things Up 2
Go to concerts 2
Go to gay concerts 2
Golf 2
Hang Out 2
Play Baseball 2
Play Video Games 2
See Movies 3
Swim 2
Other 0

What'cha gonna do when Saxonmania runs wild on you?
RUN! 1
Hide 1
Cry 0
Beg For Mercy 4
Tear your shirt 1
You suck 4

Out of the following, which is your favorite show on prime time? (31)
24 11
Buffy the Vampire Slayer 2
E.R. 1
Fear Factor 3
The Weakest Link 2
World Wrestling Entertainment 3
Other 9

Who's your favorite wrestler? (20)
Booker T 0
Chris Jericho 1
Kurt Angle 10
Rob Van Dam 2
Rhyno 0
Stone Cold Steve Austin 0
The Rock 4
Triple H 0
Undertaker 1
Go to hell! 2

Which of these is your favorite band? (31)
American Hi-Fi 0
Blink-182 8
The Clarks 1
Creed 3
Disturbed 2
Lifehouse 4
Limp Bizkit 0
Linkin Park 7
Live 6
None, I like that other shit 0

Coping with insanity since May 25, 2001
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