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WWF Royal Rumble
Sax's Revolution

Royal Rumble Match
Jeff Hardy, Bull Buchanan, Matt Hardy, Faarooq, Drew Carey, Kane, Raven, Al Snow, Perry Saturn, Steve Blackman, Grand Master Sexay, Honkey Tonk Man, The Rock, Goodfather, Tazz, Bradshaw, Albert, Hardcore Holly, K-Kwik, Val Venis, William Regal, Test, Big Show, Crash, Undertaker, Scotty 2 Hotty, Stone Cold Steve Austin, Billy Gunn, Haku and Rikishi
Winner and Number One Contender: Stone Cold
Runners Up: Kane, The Rock & Billy Gunn

It's the most exciting, the most unpredictable, and the most anticipated hour of the year in the World Wrestling Federation.

The concept is simple -- two men start, and every few minutes, another man enters the fray until all 30 participants have entered. Elimination occurs when a superstar is thrown over the top rope and both feet touch the floor.

The winner of the Royal Rumble will get a shot at the World Wrestling Federation Championship at WrestleMania X-Seven!

World Wrestling Federation Championship
Kurt Angle (w/ Trish) vs. Triple H (w/ Stephanie)

Winner & Still WWF Champion: Kurt Angle

Ladder Match
Intercontinental Championship
Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho

Winner & NEW IC Champion: Chris Jericho

Any time Chris Benoit and Chris Jericho step in the ring, you're going to see an intense battle. Any time the Intercontinental Championship is on the line, tensions will be running high. And any time two superstars compete in a Ladder Match, there will be fireworks.

Combine the three, you have the potential for one of the greatest matches in World Wrestling Federation history.

At the Royal Rumble, Y2J and the Wolverine will put it all on the line in a Ladder Match for Benoit's Intercontinental Championship, and we have just two words of advice for you as you watch this match -- Don't blink!

Tag Team Championship
Edge & Christian vs. Dudley Boyz

Winners & NEW Tag Team Champions: Dudley Boyz

Edge & Christian are five-time World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions. They won the first of those five titles at last year's WrestleMania, defeating the Dudley Boyz.

Since then, the two teams have had some epic wars -- most of which involved "wood," and all of which "reeked of awesomeness."

Edge & Christian say they have already defeated the Dudley Boyz 37,742 1/2 times. But who knows? Maybe the 37,743rd time will be the charm for the Dudley Boyz at the Royal Rumble!

Women's Championship
Chyna vs. Ivory

Winner & Still Women's Champion: Ivory

Ivory thought she had it all figured out. After she and Val Venis put Chyna out of action for a month, she figured she had carte blanche to mock the Ninth Wonder of the World, whose career she claimed to have ended.

She figured wrong.

Like so many others through the years, Ivory underestimated Chyna. Chyna has returned, showing her incredible heart and determination. At the Royal Rumble, Ivory may learn what so many others have learned in the past -- that every time you tell Chyna she can't do something, she will make you eat your words!

Coping with insanity since May 25, 2001
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