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WWF WrestleMania X-Seven
Sax's Revolution

World Wrestling Federation Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. The Rock

Winner & NEW WWF Champion: Stone Cold

A fan at a recent RAW IS WAR event held up a sign in which the letters R.A.W. stood for "Rock, Austin, WrestleMania." And so it is. By winning the World Wrestling Federation Championship at No Way Out, The Rock locked himself into a date at WrestleMania with Stone Cold Steve Austin, who qualified for the 'Mania main event by virtue of winning the Royal Rumble match. The two men also fought in the main event of WrestleMania XV, when Austin pinned Rock to win the Federation Championship.

"This is the sequel that everybody has wanted to see," The Rock told WWF.com moments after winning the Federation Championship for a record-setting sixth time at No Way Out. "And they'll certainly get that at WrestleMania."

Can The Rock and Austin live up to their classic confrontation two years ago?

"My gut says yes," said Jim Ross, the voice of the Federation, "and I'm sure if you asked them they'd tell you absolutely."

WWF.com asked them, and they told us absolutely.

"Definitely without a doubt," Austin said. "I'm going on to WrestleMania in my home state of Texas -- and I don't care if it's in Timbuktu -- but I'm going out there to become the World Wrestling Federation Champion."

Said The Rock, "WrestleMania XV was a great match between Rock and Austin. And now both characters have elevated themselves to superstardom status. We're at completely different levels. The Rock and Austin now have gone off the charts. At WrestleMania XV, The Rock was an up-and-coming top heel in the business, Stone Cold was the top babyface. Now you have two figuratively unstoppable forces, in terms of their characters: the Brahma Bull and the Rattlesnake."

Triple H vs. Undertaker
Winner: Undertaker

Triple H and the Undertaker are two of the decorated superstars in the World Wrestling Federation. Yet until recently, they had never really had a high-profile showdown. Sure, they've interacted before, but there's never been a HHH/Taker one-on-one Pay-Per-View match in the past seven years they’ve both been in the Federation.

Considering the Game's rampant path of rage over the past seven years and the Undertaker's "Decade of Destruction," this first-ever meeting between the two will give a new meaning to the word "slobberknocker."

The Undertaker is undefeated at WrestleMania -- in the past 10 years, the Dead Man has compiled a perfect 8-0 record. Triple H has an elusive WrestleMania accolade of his own -- at last year's event, he became the first "heel" ever to emerge victorious from the WrestleMania main event.

Triple H is the Game. But in recent weeks, the Undertaker has become the hunter. At WrestleMania X-Seven, something's got to give!

Street Fight
Special Referee: Mick Foley
Vince McMahon vs. Shane McMahon

Winner: Shane McMahon

Is it possible? Does Shane McMahon now own WCW? No, your eyes weren't playing tricks on you Monday night -- Shane really did buy WCW! Between his 25 percent ownership of the World Wrestling Federation and his 100 percent ownership of WCW, Shane is now the most powerful man in sports entertainment -- a fact which can't make his father very happy! Vince was also dealt another blow on RAW when Mick Foley returned, and announced he would officiate the Vince/Shane match this Sunday at WrestleMania X-Seven!

TLC II - Tables, Ladders & Chairs Match
Tag Team Championship
Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Edge & Christian

Winners & NEW Tag Team Champions: Edge & Christian

Since the beginning of the phenomenon known as WrestleMania, just two matches have been repeated at back-to-back WrestleMania events. At WrestleManias III and IV, Hulk Hogan battled Andre the Giant. At WrestleManias IX and X, Bret Hart tangled with the mighty Yokozuna.

At WrestleMania X-Seven, a third match will be added to that list, and it is a blockbuster. For the second year in a row, Edge & Christian and the Hardy Boyz will challenge the Dudley Boyz for the Tag Team Championship at WrestleMania.

Last year's bout was an outstanding Triangle Ladder Match. But this year's match will be even more brutal -- if you can believe it. This year, the three teams meet in the second TLC Match (the first was at last year's SummerSlam). A match like this brings brutality to a whole new level.

Edge & Christian emerged victorius from last year's Triangle Ladder Match, and also from the TLC Match at SummerSlam. Will E&C make the third time a charm in TLC2? Or will the Hardys or Dudleys make TLC2 their lucky night? Find out on April 1 at WrestleMania!

Intercontinental Championship
Chris Jericho vs. William Regal

Winner & Still IC Champion: Chris Jericho

Chris Jericho has been a thorn in William Regal's side ever since Regal became World Wrestling Federation Commissioner a few weeks back. Whether it be interrupting Regal's promos, interfering in matches, or -- um -- urinating in Regal's tea, Y2J has been a constant nuisance to the goodwill ambassador.

At WrestleMania, it will be the Intercontinental Champion against the commish -- on April 1, someone will be besmirched!

Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle
Winner: Kurt Angle

At last year's WrestleMania, a two-fall Triple Threat Match was held for Kurt Angle's Intercontinental and European Championships. That match involved Chris Benoit, Chris Jericho and Angle. When the dust had settled, Benoit was the Intercontinental Champion, Jericho was the European Champion -- and Angle left WrestleMania empty-handed.

There's no gold on the line this year when Benoit and Angle meet one-on-one -- just pride. But for two of the most intense competitors in the World Wrestling Federation, that's all they need on the line. These two submission specialists will be looking to tear each other apart at WrestleMania, and neither wants to suffer the ultimate indignity -- that being tapping out to the other's submission maneuver.

Which of these blue-chippers will emerge victorious from WrestleMania X-Seven? It will be a battle between the ankle lock and the crossface this Sunday!

Hardcore Championship
Big Show vs. Raven vs. Kane

Winner & NEW Hardcore Champion: Kane

The Big Show and Kane are monsters -- two former World Wrestling Federation Champions who leave a devastating path of destruction in their wake.

Raven is also a top competitor, and also the Hardcore Champion. But he faces the unenviable situation of having to defend his title against two 7-foot monsters with bad intentions.

Crash may have been the Houdini of Hardcore, but it is Raven who will have to be a true magician to leave this match with his title intact!

Women's Championship
Chyna vs. Ivory

Winner & NEW Women's Champion: Chyna

This match is personal. Real personal.

The day after Armageddon, Ivory was a part of a vicious attack on Chyna. The Right to Censor delivered a spike piledriver to the Ninth Wonder of the World, putting her out of action for a month. At January's Royal Rumble, Chyna tried to return to the ring against Ivory, but it was too soon, and Ivory again put Chyna on the Federation's disabled list.

But adversity has never stopped Chyna before. Will the Ninth Wonder of the World climb back to the top of the mountain at the biggest show of the year? Will she get revenge against the woman who put her out of action not once, but twice? These questions will be answered at WrestleMania X-Seven!

European Championship
Test vs. Eddie Guerrero

Winner & NEW European Champion: Eddie Guerrero

Test is the European Champion. Eddie Guerrero is a former European Champion, considered by many to be the greatest European Champion of all time.

It was the day after WrestleMania last year when Eddie first won the title. "Latino Heat" went on to hold the title for four months, before losing it to fellow Radical Perry Saturn in July. Guerrero went on to win the Intercontinental Championship in September, and he held that title for three months.

Since winning the title from William Regal the day after the Royal Rumble, Test has been enjoying a two-month reign, in what has been his most successful run as a singles competitor ever. But now he's got a fired-up "Latino Heat" breathing down his neck.

Will Eddie fail the Test? Or will the European Champion fall victim to the Latino Heat?

Gimmick Battle Royal
Doink the Clown vs. Duke "The Dumpster" Droese vs. Earthquake vs. Tugboat vs. Kamala vs. Kimchee vs. Jim Cornette vs. Michael "P.S." Hayes vs. Bushwhackers vs. Sgt. Slaughter vs. Iron Sheik vs. Hillbilly Jim vs. Nikolai Volkoff vs. Repo Man vs. The Goon vs. Gillberg vs. One Man Gang vs. Brother Love vs. Gobbledy Gooker
Winner: Iron Sheik

A new match has been added to the card at WrestleMania X-Seven, and it's unlike any other contest in World Wrestling Federation history. The match is being called the Gimmick Battle Royal, and it'll feature the greatest gimmicks of all time in one ring.

Right to Censor vs. A.P.A. & Tazz
Winners: A.P.A. & Tazz

If you can't get excited for a match between Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy, then you might as well never watch sports entertainment ever again.

Over the past few years, Rob Van Dam and Jeff Hardy have been two of the most consistent in-ring performers in the business, constantly delivering blow-away performances within the squared circle.

Van Dam's reign as ECW TV Champion is legendary, and Hardy's performances in a plethora of matches -- including three TLC matches -- is the stuff legends are made of.

If any of your friends claim not to be sports-entertainment fans, just sit them down and let them watch this match. They'll be hooked for life -- guaranteed.

Coping with insanity since May 25, 2001
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