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WWF Judgment Day
Sax's Revolution

No Holds Barred for WWF Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Undertaker

Winner & Still WWF Champion: Steve Austin

The rivalry between Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Undertaker dates back more than four years. In fact, their first one-on-one Pay-Per-View meeting was at the May 1997 "A Cold Day in Hell" In Your House, when Taker successfully defended the Federation Championship against the Rattlesnake. Since then, they have exchanged titles, they have spilled blood and they have taken on new attitudes.

But even with all their battles in the past, their match at Judgment Day could be the biggest Austin/Taker match in Federation history.

Stone Cold Steve Austin has said that he's feeling better than he ever has before, and he has shown in recent weeks that he's willing to do whatever is necessary to stay on top.

Undertaker is displaying more emotion than ever before, and the recent attacks on his brother, Kane, have done nothing but light a spark under the Dead Man. Now the Taker is ready to defend his yard.

Pride, honor, glory and gold will all be on the line when two Federation legends hook it up at Judgment Day!

Click here to relive the Austin/Taker bout at the May 1997 "A Cold Day In Hell" In Your House!

Intercontinental Championship Chain Match
Kane vs. Triple H

Winner & NEW Intercontinental Champion: Kane

When Kane and Triple H meet up at Judgment Day for the Intercontinental Championship, they will be attached at the wrists by a 12-foot steel chain -- one of the most brutal weapons ever to enter a World Wrestling Federation ring.

The bout will no doubt be another milestone in the epic war between these two competitors. Over the past few months, the Game and the Big Red Machine have crossed paths on numerous occasions -- including at Backlash, when Triple H and Stone Cold Steve Austin won the Tag Team Championship from Kane and the Undertaker.

A few weeks ago, Triple H and Austin brutally broke Kane's left arm. But the Big Red Machine has since roared back, and now he has a Chain Match with Triple H.

Two Federation giants will raise some hell this Sunday, when the Intercontinental Championship's on the line in a brutal Chain Match!

2 out of 3 falls Medals Match
Chris Benoit vs. Kurt Angle

Winner: Kurt Angle

The rivalry between Chris Benoit and Kurt Angle dates back to March, and since then the two superstars have waged some of the most memorable wars in World Wrestling Federation history.

At WrestleMania, Angle barely upended Benoit in a technical masterpiece. Later that month, at Backlash, Benoit emerged victorious from the 30-minute Ultimate Submission Match -- a true classic.

But when the Wolverine and the Olympic Hero meet at Judgment Day, it could be the greatest contest of them all. Why? Because Chris Benoit has something near and dear to Kurt Angle -- Angle's gold medals. And Angle must defeat Benoit at Judgment Day to regain those medals.

The bout will be a 2-out-of-3-falls contest. The first fall can only be won by pinfall, and the second fall can only be won by submission. If necessary, the third fall will be a Ladder Match, in which the gold medals will be suspended above the ring!

When Benoit and Angle step in the ring together, you're guaranteed to see an epic battle. When Angle's gold medals are on the line, you better get ready for a classic!

Women's Championship
Chyna vs. Lita

Winner & NEW Women's Champion: Chyna

Chyna and Lita are both extremely talented performers. Chyna and Lita are both extremely popular superstars. Chyna and Lita are both very beautiful women.

Outside of the squared circle, the two divas are also good friends. So only one question remains -- who's better? We'll find out at Judgment Day!

Rikishi vs. William Regal
Winner: William Regal

On the May 7 episode of RAW IS WAR, Rikishi refused to take orders from Mr. McMahon and Stephanie. That enraged Commissioner William Regal, who has always done exactly what the Federation chairman and the Billion-Dollar Princess have told him.

Since then, Rikishi and Regal have become enemies, as it seems that Regal is targeting Rikishi to make Mr. McMahon happy.

Regal has been called a brown-noser a time or two -- and if he's not careful at Judgment Day, Rikishi might make him a brown-noser in more ways than one!

Hardcore Championship
Test vs. Rhyno vs. Big Show

Winner & Still Hardcore Champion: Rhyno

Last month at Backlash, Test helped Shane McMahon defeat the Big Show in a Last Man Standing match.

The Big Show hasn't forgotten that, and in the weeks since, he has focused his rage on Test -- one need look no further than Test's broken ribs for proof of that.

The Big Show is a 7-foot-2, 500-pound monster. At 6-foot-6 and 280 pounds, Test is far from a lightweight himself -- but against the Big Show, he faces a definite strength and power disadvantage.

At Judgment Day, Test and the Big Show will go at it in a battle of two of the Federation's biggest and baddest super-heavyweights!

Tag Team Turmoil No. 1 Contenders Match
A.P.A. vs. Radicalz vs. Dudleyz vs. X-Factor vs. Hardyz vs. Jericho & Benoit (mystery partner) vs. Edge & Christian

Winners & No. 1 Contenders: Jericho & Benoit

Who are the No. 1 contenders to the Tag Team Championship, currently held by Stone Cold Steve Austin and Triple H? That question will be answered at Judgment Day, when seven teams take part in a Tag Team Turmoil match.

The concept of the match is simple: Prior to the bout, the teams will draw numbers from 1 to 7. The teams who draw No. 1 and No. 2 will start the match, and will compete until one team has defeated the other. Then, the team which drew No. 3 will run down. The match will continue until all seven teams have entered the fray, and the last team standing will get a Tag Team Championship match against the Two-Man Power Trip.

WWFJudgmentDay.com Test Page
Headline goes here, wow!

There has never been anyone as charismatic as The Rock. He truly is the most electifying man in sports entertainment. His showmanship, his raw ability to engage fans and the audience is highly respected and well noted by those who follow the World Wrestling Federation--and by those who don't.

Click on the different sections to view photo galleries of The Rock's various months.

His showmanship, his raw ability to engage fans and the audience is highly respected and well noted by those who follow the World Wrestling Federation--and by those who don't.

Click on the different sections to view photo galleries of The Rock's various months.

Coping with insanity since May 25, 2001
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