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WWF Unforgiven
Sax's Revolution

World Wrestling Federation Championship
Kurt Angle vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

Winner & Still WWF Champion: Stone Cold

Heading into Invasion, Kurt Angle wanted to be the leader of Team WWF. But Mr. McMahon chose World Wrestling Federation Champion Stone Cold Steve Austin to fit that role -- and Austin paid him back by joining up with the Alliance.

In standing up for Team WWF, Angle proved just what kind of man he is. In joining the Alliance, Austin showed just what kind of man he is.

Can Kurt Angle bring the Federation Championship home? Will "U.S.A" really stand for "U Submit to Angle"? Or will the Texas Rattlesnake and the Alliance play dirty and continue their strangehold on the most coveted title in the World Wrestling Federation?

World Champion Wrestling Championship
The Rock vs. Booker T

Winner & NEW WCW Champion: The Rock

Since The Rock returned to the World Wrestling Federation in late July, WCW Champion Booker T has been a constant thorn in the side of the People's Champion. Whether it be auditioning for movies to mock The Rock's acting career, or beating down Rock so Shane McMahon can put him through the announcers' table, Booker T has gone out of his way to make Rock's life a living hell.

The Rock has never backed down from a challenge, and at SummerSlam, he will face Booker T for the first time. He will also get his first-ever shot at the WCW Championship. Can Rocky do what few have done before, and take the WCW Title? Or will the Bookerman pull out a win over the most electrifying man in sports entertainment?

Cage Match for WWF & WCW Tag Team Championships
Undertaker & Kane (WCW Champs) vs. DDP & Kanyon (WWF Champs)

Winners & Unified Tag Team Champions: Undertaker & Kane

The feud between the Undertaker and Diamond Dallas Page is one of the most intense and personal in sports-entertainment history.

On the August 9 episode of SmackDown!, it only intensified, as Kane & Taker won the WCW Tag Team Championship, and DDP & Kanyon won the Federation Tag Team Championship. Commissioner Regal then made a steel cage match between the two teams at SummerSlam, with all the titles on the line!

Will the Undertaker stay focused on the titles? Or will his hatred for DDP still over in this brutal, barbaric environment?

Intercontinental Championship
Lance Storm vs. Edge

Winner & NEW Intercontinental Champion: Edge

Lance Storm and Edge are two of the brightest young stars in sports entertainment.

Edge has been in the World Wrestling Federation for about three years, and his resume is legendary. A seven-time Tag Champion, Edge is also the 2001 King of the Ring. And just two years ago, Edge enjoyed a brief reign as Intercontinental Champion, winning the title at a live event at the Skydome in Toronto -- his hometown.

Storm is one of the top dogs in the Alliance, and he sealed his spot in that elite group by defeating Albert to take home the Federation's second-most prestigious title.

This bout for the Intercontinental Championship will be a barn-burner. It could also be a preview of a future World Wrestling Federation Championship match, given the caliber of talent involved.

Light Heavyweight & WCW Cruiserweight Championship
X-Pac (WCW Champ) vs. Tajiri (WWF Champ)

Winner Unified Light Heavyweight/Cruiserweight Champion: X-Pac

Does X-Pac suck? That's what Tajiri thinks. And what Commissioner Regal thinks. And what many fans think.

But X-Pac clearly doesn't suck. He was the first man in the history of sports entertainment to unify titles from the World Wrestling Federation and WCW. And he still holds the WCW Cruiserweight Championship -- a title he first held back in 1996.

Tajiri recently took the Federation Light Heavyweight Championship from X-Pac -- a fact which does not sit well with X-Pac. Now X-Pac is looking to get some revenge, and also to prove to the world that he doesn't suck!

Ladder Match for Hardcore Championship
Rob Van Dam vs. Jeff Hardy

Winner & Still Hardcore Champion: Rob Van Dam

Chris Jericho vs. Rhyno
Winner: Chris Jericho

Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley HATES Chris Jericho. Absolutely HATES him. For two years, Y2J has gone out of his way to make her life a living hell, publicly humiliating her and embarrassing her.

Stephanie has recruited Rhyno to take out Y2J at SummerSlam, and it looks to be a great choice. Rhyno already holds three pinfall victories over Jericho in the past few months, and when he recently Gored Jericho through the SmackDown! set, it send a message to the Ayotollah of Rock and Rollah.

On Monday's RAW, Stephanie announced that she would be in Rhyno's corner at SummerSlam -- giving Rhyno an even bigger advantage against a man who has never beaten him.

Jericho and Rhyno are two of the most talented superstars in sports entertainment, and when they hook up at SummerSlam, it will be much more than a match -- it will be a war!

Test & Dudley Boyz vs. Spike Dudley & A.P.A.
Winners: Test & Dudley Boyz

The war between the World Wrestling Federation and the Alliance is personified by the competitors in this six-man bout.

The APA are proud to represent the Federation, and were at the forefront of protecting the Federation during the invasion. The Dudleys, on the other hand, were part of the elaborate reformation of ECW, jumping ship to the Alliance after all the Federation had done for them.

After all ECW had done for him, Spike Dudley remained loyal to the Federation after the groups split. Test, on the other hand, abandoned the Federation to taste the fruits of the Alliance.

Pride, glory and honor is on the line when Test and the Dudley Boyz battle Spike Dudley and the APA at SummerSlam!

Coping with insanity since May 25, 2001
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