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WWF Unforgiven
Sax's Revolution

World Wrestling Federation Championship
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle

Winner & NEW World Wrestling Federation Champion: Kurt Angle

At SummerSlam, Kurt Angle looked to have Stone Cold Steve Austin beat for the World Wrestling Federation Championship. After amazingly kicking out of three Stone Cold Stunners, Angle snared Austin in the dreaded ankle lock, and was poised to win the Federation Title -- until Alliance referee Nick Patrick disqualified Austin under questionable circumstances.

The following night on RAW, the Alliance held "Austin Appreciation Night," a tribute to the Texas Rattlesnake. As superstars paid their respects to Stone Cold, Kurt Angle crashed the party, driving a milk truck into the arena and giving the Alliance members a milk bath!

One week later, Austin got a measure of revenge, stealing the Olympians' gold medals on RAW. That Thursday on SmackDown!, the Rattlesnake tied the gold medals to a weight and threw them off a bridge!

That made Angle snap. Kurt kidnapped Austin the following week on RAW, threatening to throw him off a bridge unless Austin begged and cried -- which the Rattlesnake did! In the chaos, Angle convinced Austin to give him a rematch for the Federation Championship at Unforgiven! And in the end, Angle again humiliated Austin, tossing him into a wading pool!

The match between these two at SummerSlam was a five-star classic. And the rematch at Unforgiven -- in Angle's hometown of Pittsburgh -- could finally see Kurt bring home the gold! Will the hometown boy be able to pull it off? Or will the resilient Rattlesnake again walk away the World Wrestling Federation Champion? Find out at Unforgiven!

World Championship Wrestling Championship
Shane McMahon & Booker T vs. The Rock

Winner & Still WCW Champion: The Rock

Both The Rock and Booker T claim to be the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. But only one can be WCW Champion -- and right now, it's The Rock.

At SummerSlam, the People's Champion upended Booker T to take the WCW Title. Now "The Book" has pinpointed The Rock, as he attempts to become a six-time WCW Champion.

Shane McMahon has used his power to make this a Handicap Match, meaning that the odds are against The Rock like never before. As dangerous as Booker T is, he's even more devastating with Shane on his side.

It's The Rock against The Book, the People's Elbow against the Spineroonie. Only one man can be WCW Champion after Unforgiven!

WWF Intercontinental Championship
Edge vs. Christian

Winner & NEW WWF Intercontinental Champion: Christian

Edge & Christian were arguably the greatest tag team in World Wrestling Federation history. The two brothers reigned as Tag Team Champions on seven occasions -- the most in Federation history. They also won two TLC Matches, and a Triangle Ladder Match at WrestleMania 2000. They hold victories over every team in the Federation, including a win last December over The Rock and the Undertaker.

But that is no more. Jealousy has ripped the brothers apart, as Christian turned on Edge on the September 3 episode of RAW IS WAR. In the brothers' hometown of Toronto, Christian viciously assaulted his brother, hitting him with a one-man Con-Chair-To as Edge was knocked out cold.

At Unforgiven, the Intercontinental Championship will be on the line in a match between two brothers and two of the most talented performers in the Federation. And this battle will be intensely personal.

WWF Hardcore Championship
Chris Jericho vs. Rob Van Dam

Winner & Still WWF Hardcore Champion: RVD

Rob Van Dam and Chris Jericho are two of the brightest young stars in sports-entertainment. Although world titles have eluded both men up to this point in their careers, both are main-event athletes who are overwhelmingly popular with fans.

RVD asked for this match to show off for Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley, with the hopes of defeating the man she hates most. But RVD should get a tape of SummerSlam, when Rhyno went in with the same intentions -- and suffered defeat at the hands of Y2J.

Rob Van Dam has been putting together a streak of some of the most impressive wins in sports-entertainment history in recent weeks, including pinfall wins over Stone Cold Steve Austin and Kurt Angle. But Chris Jericho holds pinfall wins over those same men, and if RVD doesn't take his opponent seriously, there could be a new Hardcore Champion.

Either way, this will be a barnburner between two of the young studs in sports entertainment.

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WCW Tag Team Championship
Undertaker & Kane vs. KroniK

Winners & Still WWF Tag Team Champions: Undertaker & Kane

What happens when you take four of the biggest, baddest men in sports-entertainment, put them together in the same ring, and put the WCW Tag Team Championship on the line?

The answer is a battle the likes of which we have never seen before.

Since first appearing on the scene several weeks ago, KroniK -- led by Steven Richards -- have taken every opportunity to attack the Brothers of Destruction, which is something you just don't do. Taker & Kane have been manhandled by Adams and Clark -- much to the delight of Shane McMahon, who awarded KroniK with this title match.

WCW U.S. Championship
Tajiri vs. Rhyno

Winner & NEW WCW U.S. Champion: Rhyno

Tajiri and Rhyno present a definite contrast in styles.

Tajiri represents the Japanese high-flying style. His high-flying maneuvers and martial arts style have quickly captivated the minds of World Wrestling Federation fans.

Rhyno is also a mat technician, but prefers to use his raw power to his advantage. The last man ever to hold the ECW Title, Rhyno's Gore could end the match in a heartbeat.

These two awesome athletes will both enter Unforgiven looking for U.S. gold -- but only one man can get it!

Fatal Fourway
WWF Tag Team Championship
Hardyz vs. Dudleyz vs. Hurricane & Storm vs. Big Show & Spike

Winners & Still WWF Tag Team Champions: Dudley Boyz

This unique match-up involves two of the greatest tag teams in sports-entertainment history, and also two makeshift teams which have been surprising a number of people as of late.

The "David and Goliath" tandem of Big Show and Spike Dudley has used their chemistry to their advantage. The mix of Spike's quickness and speed with Big Show's size and power has allowed them to dominate opponents lately. Where one is lacking, the other is strong, and vice versa -- meaning that this team has few weaknesses.

The superhero tandem of Hurricane & Storm have also been on a role lately. Storm -- a former Intercontinental Champion -- and The Hurricane -- the current European Champion -- will be fighting for truth, justice, and the Tag Team Championship this Sunday!

The Hardy Boyz are a constant threat in the tag-team division. They are multi-time Tag Team Champions, and have upended the Dudleys to win the titles before. The high-fliers could emerge victorious at Unforgiven.

The Dudleys are widely considered the best team in the business, as is evident by the fact that they are the World Wrestling Federation Tag Team Champions. They will be the team to beat -- so it's put up or shut up this Sunday.

Only one team will emerge from Unforgiven as the Federation Tag Team Champions -- and it will be pure hell to get there!

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Perry Saturn vs. Raven
Winner: Perry Saturn

WWFUnforgiven.com Test Page
"Stone Cold vs. Lita"
X-Pac vs. Billy Kidman

The Rock and Mankind defeated the New Age Outlaws via disqualification defeated the New Age Outlaws via disqualification defeated the New Age Outlaws via disqualification.

Coping with insanity since May 25, 2001
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