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WWF Survivor Series
Sax's Revolution

Winner Takes All - One Company Goes Out of Business
Team WWF vs. Team Alliance

Rock, Jericho, Undertaker, Kane, & Big Show vs. Austin, Angle, RVD, Booker T, & Shane
Winner & Surviving Company: World Wrestling Federation

US Title vs. Intercontinental Title (Unification Match)
Edge vs. Test

Winner & Undisputed IC Champion: Edge

Two of the hottest young superstars in sports entertainment will go at it in a unification match, as U.S. Champion Edge battles Intercontinental Champion Test.

It was Test who upended Edge for the IC Title on a recent episode of RAW. Just days later, Edge speared Test after Test had successfully defended his title against Matt Hardy.

Can Test again become a double champion, bringing both titles back to the Alliance? Or will Edge become a four-time Intercontinental Champion? Find out at Survivor Series!

WCW Tag Titles vs. WWF Tag Titles (Unification Match)
Dudley Boyz vs. Hardy Boyz

Winners & Undisputed Tag Champions: Dudleyz

It's the ultimate tag-team match, and you couldn't pick two more appropriate teams than the Hardys and Dudleys to unify the WCW and WWF Tag Team Championships.

The Dudleys are multi-time World Wrestling Federation and ECW Tag Team Champs, and they are the only team ever to hold the WWF, WCW and ECW Tag Team Titles. The Hardys are multi-time Federation Tag Champs, and have also held the WCW Tag Titles in the past.

These teams have waged some bitter battles, including TLC Matches and Table Matches. This Unification match could be the most brutal of them all, however, being that it's being held within the confines of a 15-foot steel cage!

Who is the greatest tag team in sports entertainment? Find out at Survivor Series, in the Tag Title Unification Cage Match!

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Immunity Battle Royal (Can't Be Fired)
Participents: Crash, Saturn, Faarooq, Bradshaw, Spike, Albert, Test, Funaki, Billy Gunn, Chuck Palumbo, Raven, The Hurricane, Kidman, Shawn Stasiak, Tazz, Steven Richards, DDP, Lance Storm, Justin Credible, Hugh Morrus, Tommy Dreamer, & Chavo Guerrero Jr.

Winner: Test

Although only one company will survive the Survivor Series, both sides have agreed to grant one year of immunity to whoever wins this unique contest. Whoever wins this match is guaranteed not to be fired from the winning team from one full year -- even if his own side loses.

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European Championship
Christian vs. Al Snow

Winner & Still European Champion: Christian

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Women's Championship
Jacqueline vs. Trish Stratus vs. Lita vs. Mighty Molly vs. Ivory vs. Jazz

Winner & New Women's Champion: Trish

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William Regal vs. Tajiri
Winner: William Regal

SurvivorSeries.com Test Page
Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle

There has never been anyone as charismatic as The Rock. He truly is the most electifying man in sports entertainment. His showmanship, his raw ability to engage fans and the audience is highly respected and well noted by those who follow the World Wrestling Federation--and by those who don't.

Coping with insanity since May 25, 2001
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