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WWF No Way Out
Sax's Revolution

Stone Cold Steve Austin vs. Chris Jericho
Winner & Still Undisputed Champion: Chris Jericho

The road to WrestleMania has begun, and the Austin-Jericho match at No Way Out will determine what superstar will head to WrestleMania X-8 as the Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion.

When these two superstars met at Vengeance in December, it was Y2J who picked up the win, pinning Austin to become the first-ever Undisputed World Wrestling Federation Champion. But the Rattlesnake is focused, and after spending eight months as Federation Champion last year, there's no doubt he knows how to get the job done.

WrestleMania is the showcase of the immortals, and the grandest stage in sports entertainment. At No Way Out, Stone Cold fights Y2J for the Undisputed Championship, but more importantly than that, the men will be fighting for a spot in the WrestleMania main event, and a shot at immortality. And there's no telling what these men will be willing to do with so much on the line.

Kurt Angle vs. Triple H
Special Referee: Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley

Winner & NEW #1 Contender at WrestleMania: Kurt Angle

Since returning from his injury this past January, Triple H has had one goal -- regaining the World Wrestling Federation Championship at WrestleMania. He accomplished the first hurdle on that path by winning the Royal Rumble match, automatically earning a shot at that title at WrestleMania -- or so he thought.

On the Feb. 4 episode of RAW, Triple H was shocked to find out that he would be facing Kurt Angle in a match at No Way Out, and that his WrestleMania title shot is on the line! That means that if The Game loses at No Way Out, it will be Angle and not him who goes on to the main event of the biggest show in sports entertainment!

Triple H and Kurt Angle both want to be in the main event of WrestleMania. For Angle, it would be another great accomplishment on his already-impressive resume. But for The Game, it would mean that all his hard work and sacrifice over the past year has been worth it. Will that be enough to propel him to victory? Or will Angle again weasel his way to glory?

The Rock vs. Undertaker
Winner: The Rock

The Rock and the Undertaker are both World Wrestling Federation icons. The Rock is the Great One, a six-time former Federation Champion and clearly the most electrifying man in sports entertainment. And the Undertaker has been a staple in the Federation for more than 11 years.

After Taker was eliminated by Maven in the Royal Rumble, The Rock poked fun at the American Badass for being eliminated by a rookie. The following week, Taker cost Rock his shot at the Undisputed Federation Championship.

Since then, this battle has grown even more personal. And when two of the Federation's greatest athletes meet up, anything can happen!

Rob Van Dam vs. Goldust
Winner: Rob Van Dam

After returning to the World Wrestling Federation at the 2002 Royal Rumble, Goldust spoke of a man whose star was rising in the sports-entertainment world, whose upward climb he promised to soon put a stop to.

That man turned out to be Rob Van Dam.

Since then, the two superstars have gone out of their way to attack each other. Both RVD and Goldust want to be the stars of the show -- and at No Way Out, one of them will be!

Brass Knuckles On a Pole Match
William Regal vs. Edge

Winner & Still Intercontinental Champion: William Regal

Tazz & Spike Dudley vs. Booker T & Test
Winners & Still Tag Team Champions: Tazz & Spike Dudley

Hardy Boyz vs. Dudley Boyz vs. Christian & Lance Storm vs. Scotty & Albert vs. Billy & Chuck vs. APA
Winners: APA

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WWF European Championship
Diamond Dallas Page vs. Big Boss Man

Winner & Still European Champion: DDP

WWFNoWayOut.com Test Page
Rock vs. Angle vs. Austin vs. Jericho

There has never been anyone as charismatic as The Rock. He truly is the most electifying man in sports entertainment. His showmanship, his raw ability to engage fans and the audience is highly respected and well noted by those who follow the World Wrestling Federation--and by those who don't.

Coping with insanity since May 25, 2001
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